View Full Version : Have annual physical this week! Nervous!!

05-09-21, 00:45
I have my annual physical on Tuesday. I am 30 year old male who is physically active. I take cholesterol medicine because my cholesterol is genetically high.

I am still nervous about this appointment. I always fear they will find something bad even though I feel fine.

05-09-21, 02:46
I had my first physical since I was 17 (30 now) a few months ago. And I know being a man you can't relate to this but I also had my first female check up. I was petrified. Everything was fine apart from some mildly high cholesterol. If you feel fine chances are you are fine. Just try to remain calm and you will feel better when Everything comes back normal.

08-09-21, 06:29
All of my results came back normal except for my globulin level which was low. It was 2.0 and the scale is like 2.4 to 4.4(?).

My albumin/globulin ratio was normal.

Was this globulin reading a fluke?