View Full Version : Blood in urine, bladder cancer worry!

05-09-21, 22:53
Firstly a little about me...

I am 30 years old, relativley good health other than psoriasis and I don't smoke and barely drink.

I am a little worried as I woke up the other morning (Friday September 3rd) and the first time I passed urine I had some blood specks/clots come out, then the second time that day I went some specks again, the third time and the fourth there was also some visible specks but less.

I then went to the doctors and they did a dab test on a sample, no infection/UTI shown. However, I also told the doctor I was taking a supplement called Nattokinase (natural supplement that can be a blood thinner) and at the same time I took 10g of Tadalafil and a chaga mushroom supplement. He said that his view was that it was likely the combination of these three things that caused me to have some blood in my urine.

He also checked my stomach/abdomen area, back and groin through touch and at the time there was no pain and he said to monitor for it.

The next time I went the toilet and ever since I left the doctors, there has been no visible urine. However, I am worried because there has been pain that comes and goes across my abdomen/bladder area and also in my right groin.

So now the blood has gone and I have pain it is worrying me and confusing me.

My worry is that it is bladder cancer or kidney cancer, I am trying my best keep lid on the HA with limited success clearly as I am posting here.

Thanks in advance for any replies :)

05-09-21, 23:04
However, I also told the doctor I was taking a supplement called Nattokinase (natural supplement that can be a blood thinner) and at the same time I took 10g of Tadalafil and a chaga mushroom supplement. He said that his view was that it was likely the combination of these three things that caused me to have some blood in my urine.

He also checked my stomach/abdomen area, back and groin through touch and at the time there was no pain and he said to monitor for it.

Nuff said...


05-09-21, 23:15
I guess my concern comes from the fact that blood in urine can come and go (from what I read on the American cancer site) when you have bladder cancer.

Fishmanpa, so good to see the community still has you.

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05-09-21, 23:56
Thanks Joe... thing here is, you have a very plausible cause and effect. You're young and healthy so.... :shrug:


06-09-21, 10:00
You are right FMP, but still a little cofused as to what the pain could be [emoji2373]

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06-09-21, 12:06
Anticoagulants can cause blood in urine and you're taking two, Nattokinase and the chaga. I was recently on an anticoagulant for DVT which was a bit more potent than I thought so had iridescent pink to red urine for a few hours after taking a 2,000mg fish oil capsule.

As for the pain, have you tried stopping the supplements for a few days to see whether it eases? Also, I'd be wary about taking the mushroom supplement for long periods as there is some evidence of serious harm to the kidneys with prolonged use due to its oxalate content.

06-09-21, 12:31
That makes sense and I explained to the doctor that I had taken the alone but never combined them.

I haven't taken any supplements since I went to the doctors. I actually threw the Nattokinase in the bin!

Pain wise, the bladder area ismore intermittent now. The groin and pain on the sides still remains. Still no blood in urine since Friday night!

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07-09-21, 20:00
I’ve had blood in my urine for no apparent reason a couple of times. The first time this happened was twenty years ago. I’m still here. 👍. Because I was older, I had all the tests. Nothing ever showed up. My doc said it just happens sometimes.

07-09-21, 20:11
I rang doctots today, they think it's nothing serious. So just sending me for a ultrasound for peace of mind :)

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07-09-21, 20:43
A peace of mind is a very good thing. ❤️

07-09-21, 23:20
A peace of mind is a very good thing. [emoji3590]Absolutley!

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08-09-21, 02:38
Blood in the urine is just one of those symptoms that can have a multitude of non-life threatening causes but it seems like the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is cancer....

I mean, I had an episode of pink urine about a year ago, it hasn't happened since and part of me thinks that it was because I was taking a bunch of baby aspirin every night for months because someone I knew passed of a heart attack. That seems like a logical cause for it, but theres still that nagging doubt :P

08-09-21, 05:48
Be careful with anything that thins the blood. For something to happen, all of a sudden it probably isn't cancer.

However blood thinners can cause a temporary condition called ITP which means your body produces below the required amount of blood platelets.

I had this condition after taking a lot of blood thinning pain medications when I had a severe throat infection.