View Full Version : Something wrong with my brain, I’m terrified

06-09-21, 12:48
I don’t know how much longer I can do this, I’ve fallen back into anxiety. For a week or two I’ve been feeling kind of tired toward the evening with tension like headaches. I don’t know if somethings wrong or if I’m feeding them with anxiety and making them worse. Anyway, for a long time I’ve had pulsatile tinnitus. I’ve never been to the dr with it as it doesn’t happen all the time and usually goes away within 2 minutes. I keep getting this head pain on my right side, and I’m convinced I have an aneurysm or brain cancer or something. Sometimes it hurts when I strain or bend over and sometimes I think that I can’t concentrate properly. I’m panicking also about pressure in my head, what if I have a bleed or a fluid leak? I’m honestly terrified at this point and every sensation in my head is certain death. I just need someone to tell me that it’s okay and I’m not going to die. I’m going on holiday on Saturday and don’t want it to be ruined by my state of mind. I really am scared that I’ll die.

06-09-21, 12:54

So a few things

1) Anxiety always makes things worse, always without failure. You can also never concentrate properly when anxiety grips you.

2) Arrange a doctors appointment for when you get back on holiday.

3) You are very, very unlikely to have brain cancer and I would say from what I have seen on these forums, many people have had this worry. Yet I have never seen anyone write back with anything other than no cancer and everything will be ok.

4) If you had an brain on the bleed or a fluid leak as you say, you would not be here to write that message. So nothing to worry about in that department.

Go on your holiday enjoy it & when you come back go see the doctor about the ringing in your ears. I get in my right ear occasionally comes and goes but its all good!

I think you are going to be just fine!

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06-09-21, 19:34
Hello Faraway98,

I had exactly the same thing in June-July and still have the pulsatile tinnitus even now, if I extend my neck forward, turn my head, or bend over. I had all the tests the doctor could think of and aside from finding some 'normal variations' in anatomy, they all turned up nothing.
I'm not even losing my hearing after many years of blasting music into earbuds at high volume!
My splitting headaches were centered around one eye so I also saw an eye doctor who diagnosed me with glaucoma and prescribed drops. Evidently glaucoma attacks can cause headaches, who knew?!
Anyway, they've vanished since, and the ear buzzing has quieted, but now I'm on to new HA fears. Don't be like me. Maybe get your eyes checked, drink a bunch of water, get some outdoors time, and let it be :)
Good luck

07-09-21, 21:16
It sounds like a tension headache, I've been getting them for years, ever since my anxiety first got worse. It also gives me tinnitus, although mine has been pretty much constant for the last few years. It usually comes from tension in your neck, shoulders and jaw and can really feel like "pressure in head" - I get this all the time. I would suggest getting a good neck massage if you're able to or seeing a chiropractor - they can help. Also improving your posture and exercise, yoga etc.