View Full Version : Perception Feels Weird After Migraine

06-09-21, 13:00
Hi all,

Since suffering from a migraine with a initial aura last Tuesday and completely freaking out about it, my perception of things has felt very warped and I have been hyper focused on my vision. I keep feeling as if my vision is off even though it is perfectly fine. When I am reading things I start to space out and find it hard to focus. I am fixated on something that I've always done unconsciously (seeing) and cannot help but worry that I have a brain tumour or some other kind of brain issue which is making me act and feel this strange way. I have been suffering from a lot of brain fog and feelings of derealization, things that I have suffered from in the past but they have been constant ever since this migraine last week. I feel like this is only going to keep getting worse. Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome this?

06-09-21, 17:26
With me I always feel a bit weird for a few days after a migraine. It's a bit like I'm in another planet. Just give it time and it will pass.