View Full Version : Bump on wrist

07-09-21, 01:47
Hey all,

Its been a loooong minute. About 2 months ago I noticed a hard lump on the front side of my right wrist after I painted my entire apartment. My wrist was sore and then the lump.

I immediately panicked and my GP said via email likely Ganglion Cyst.

Fast forward 2 months and the lump is still there and has gotten more tender, and kind of bigger?

I continued to google (rolling eyes) and I think it may be Carpal Boss (since its very hard and doesnt move really).

Of course, in the back of my mind i also think it could be something more sinister.

Looking for reassurance really, and to hear from others who may have had a similar experience. I will go to the dr to have him examine it but thought of posting here as well.

Thanks for reading!


07-09-21, 05:25
I said to myself before even opening this thread “probably a ganglion cyst.” Ha ha
My mom had one and she had to immobilize her wrist for several weeks. Completely harmless and due to overwork (painting in your case).

Best Wishes

07-09-21, 05:37
I've had a ganglion cyst for YEARS. It's fairly small and doesn't bother me so I've never had it removed. Mine is also hard and tender if I poke at it too much.

07-09-21, 15:52
I had something like that happen to me a few years ago. Extremely painful and could hardly bend my wrist. I just took ibuprofen and used OTC arthritis creams. It eventually went away but to this day there's a hard hard lump (like bone) in that spot. No idea what it was or why it happened.


08-09-21, 00:54
Thank you all for replying to my thread.

I will try to have it checked out in person (my drs office is only doing phone appointments due to covid…)

I thought it was just a ganglion cyst until i reslized its hard as a bone and does not move (which may indicate that it is not filled with fluid)

I guess as long as it is nothing sinister I can deal with it.. but I won’t be able to shake that off until it is seen by a dr.

Thanks for reading!


08-09-21, 14:54
I have one of these two. it may feel as hard as bone, but it is technically movable (don't try -- instant bad nerve pain)
If you can, try getting into plank position or just lean your body weight on your hand, like against a wall or something, as you bend your wrist to support the weight. If that makes your wrist hurt on the back (knuckle) side of your hand, that's indicative of a likely ganglion cyst.
Here's a really good study on it (which should CALM your fears! :) ): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29085728/
Basically, nobody with this has cancer or anything. Just a bad wrist.
Good luck best wishes

09-09-21, 13:52
Thank you for taking the time to respond Fishmanpa! Mine feels like a hard hard bump as you’re describing and it is causing some pain and discomfort along with some mobility issues!

I have a drs appt coming up, we’ll see what he says

09-09-21, 17:14
I have one of these two. it may feel as hard as bone, but it is technically movable (don't try -- instant bad nerve pain)
If you can, try getting into plank position or just lean your body weight on your hand, like against a wall or something, as you bend your wrist to support the weight. If that makes your wrist hurt on the back (knuckle) side of your hand, that's indicative of a likely ganglion cyst.
Here's a really good study on it (which should CALM your fears! :) ): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29085728/
Basically, nobody with this has cancer or anything. Just a bad wrist.
Good luck best wishes

Thank you for responding!

I do feel pain when putting weight on it, for instance when doing push ups!

Now my hand is tingly as if im pinching a nerve or something and I got all worked up because every article online says that a ganglion should be soft and moveable and mine is the complete opposite (hard and feels fixed in place).

Obviously then rhe worse came to my mind (tumour, etc). So i will have my dr see it in person hopefully next week and go from there!

Thanks for reading!


15-09-21, 09:26
I just had this. Mine is on my right wrist pinkie side. Mine is rock hard and tender. Let me tell you what. I ran to my ortho specialist who specializes in hands. After a quick X-ray I found out it was a calcium deposit. A normal calcium deposit. Nothing more. She explicitly told me “I do not want you worrying about this”.