View Full Version : Anxiety's and DPDR is unbearable

07-09-21, 15:53
I've been on Sertraline for a few months now. After a couple of months, things mostly calmed down in terms of anxiety. I still had very bad DPDR (I think, maybe I'm just going crazy doubting existence and questioning reality) but I wasn't constantly anxious and scared.

However, right now, I'm in a constant state of anxiety. I can't think straight. It feels like whenever I try to focus on something, my mind is just racing and switching between being aware that I exist and then forgetting I exist. It's hard to explain.

I'm so exhausted from all of this. What should I do?



07-09-21, 16:58
No idea, but this is very similar to where I am right now. My mind is confused about everything around me, like it can’t get its head around anything.
Also, if I try to focus on anything, like my work, my mind basically shuts down, and I feel like I’m depressed. It’s like it just doesn’t have to capacity to do anything.

Hang in there, I know it’s tough.

If it helps, an extreme version of this, is the closest I have found to describe these feelings, as I struggle to describe them to anyone… https://anxietynomore.co.uk/anxiety-mental-exhaustion/ there are a few things that resonate with me in here, and make me feel less crazy.

08-09-21, 13:00
No idea, but this is very similar to where I am right now. My mind is confused about everything around me, like it can’t get its head around anything.
Also, if I try to focus on anything, like my work, my mind basically shuts down, and I feel like I’m depressed. It’s like it just doesn’t have to capacity to do anything.

Hang in there, I know it’s tough.

If it helps, an extreme version of this, is the closest I have found to describe these feelings, as I struggle to describe them to anyone… https://anxietynomore.co.uk/anxiety-mental-exhaustion/ there are a few things that resonate with me in here, and make me feel less crazy.

Thanks for the reply, bud. I appreciate the link too. :) I'm wishing the best for you!

08-09-21, 14:05
You too mate.

13-09-21, 10:49
DP/DR is horrible, i know how you feel. I watched a video on Youtube recently called 'Navigating derealization and how to break the cycle' That video really helped me, it might help you too. Out of curiousity, did you have more DP/DR while taking Sertraline, or when you didn't take it? Always know that DP/DR is completely harmless.

17-09-21, 09:11
I feel ya. When I first had anxiety this how I was. My heart would race all day, agitated, pacing feeling like I was in 3rd person etc. I also got put on Sertraline and it did all go after a while, probability several months from what I recall. Could you ask for some Propranolol as that really, really helps without being drowsy!

Have you also considered some talking therapy?