View Full Version : Tiny hard lump in thigh, please someone help

07-09-21, 20:55
Female, age 41, Vancouver Canada, overweight but not obese, no family history of sarcoma, I smoke pot but no cigarettes, 5’3, not sure my weight as I haven’t weighed myself in ages. No medications. No health problems as far as I know, I did have tiny nodules on my thyroid three years ago that were found on ultrasound but was too scared to follow up, and I do have a couple of tiny sub centimetre polyps on my gallbladder that I’ve had two ultrasounds for and have to get another in a year. All docs I have seen about that are not worried. Had perfect blood work done a month ago. Last night while in the bath itched my thigh and happened to feel a tiny lump just under the skin. It’s hard and painless and immobile (all bad signs) and my health anxiety is out of control. I googled and immediately see all this sarcoma stuff and I’m terrified. I tried to comfort myself with my good blood work but now I know that sarcoma wouldn’t show in blood. I also at first was not as freaked out because of the location - I thought oh, it’s in my thigh, that’s not really a cancer location. Wrong! It’s almost halfway down my right thigh, about three inches in from the innermost part of my thigh. It feels kind of more horizontal, kind of like a tiny tiny rolling pin, than round but that could be just my perception of it. It is smooth and doesn’t feel asymmetrically shaped or jagged. If I put slight pressure with one finger slightly above it and run my finger down it’s really easy to feel. It isn’t visible and doesn’t feel that deep in because I can pretty easily feel it. I’ve been vomiting from anxiety and can’t stop thinking about it. Doctor can’t see me until the end of next week and I was actually considering going to the hospital (my go-to in the past) but I’m too afraid of COVID and don’t want to take time away from COVID patients or anyone else in emergency status. I know nobody can diagnose me here but can someone maybe ease my mind somehow? Anyone ever had anything like this and it turns out to be nothing? Everything seems to point to sarcoma as it is hard and immobile. I was hoping lipoma but because it’s hard and immobile and not visible at, it’s doubtful. I don’t know what else this could be besides you know what. I don’t have any idea how long it’s been there or how small it started.
It’s not as big as a pea, as far as my fingers can tell anyway. Please someone help! I’ve touched it so much that I’ve worn away the first layer of skin. Please help if you can!

09-09-21, 14:36
Someone? Anyone?

09-09-21, 14:47
As with 99.9% of all worries here, I'm sure it's nothing. For what its worth, stop messing with it and just wait until you see your doctor.


10-09-21, 02:20
Even though it’s hard and immobile you really think it is probably nothing? You’re right, I do need to stop touching it. A layer of skin is gone and it looks infected now. I’ll put some polysporin and a bandaid on it and leave it alone

12-09-21, 02:54
I had this happen years ago. I went to the doctor, who was somewhat concerned, so she sent me for an MRI. The MRI came back showing nothing but normal tissue, which was puzzling. Having health anxiety, this didn't stop me from worrying, so my doctor sent me to see an orthopedic doctor. By the time the appointment arrived, the lump was gone! The specialist said it might have been a little hematoma from a bruise.

Anyway, don't panic. It could be a lot of things, most of them not serious at all.

12-09-21, 03:38
Thank you!! Your doctor was concerned at first, eh? How big was your lump? I’m afraid to go to my doctor and have him say he’s concerned too. I hope he just says it’s nothing :(

QUOTE=Sparky16;2020745]I had this happen years ago. I went to the doctor, who was somewhat concerned, so she sent me for an MRI. The MRI came back showing nothing but normal tissue, which was puzzling. Having health anxiety, this didn't stop me from worrying, so my doctor sent me to see an orthopedic doctor. By the time the appointment arrived, the lump was gone! The specialist said it might have been a little hematoma from a bruise.

Anyway, don't panic. It could be a lot of things, most of them not serious at all.[/QUOTE]

13-09-21, 08:12
I've got several of them. Doctor's diagnosis - harmless sebaceous cysts. Many years ago, one of them became infected, I was referred to have it removed, but by the time I got an appointment it had calmed down again. Some of mine are mobile, some are immobile. I have chronic, long standing severe health anxiety, so I completely understand the panic and fear you are experiencing, but I'm sure you'll be fine. I will never forget my lovely, understanding doctor, who understood my anxiety would easily spiral out of control, so in order to reassure me, he rolled up his trouser leg to show me the long standing harmless lump on his own leg, saying that most people develop them somewhere at some time in their lives. My husband has one on his back. You've got an appointment in a few days. Every time you start worrying, or your anxiety begins to overwhelm you and you can feel those all too familiar feelings - sudden severe adrenaline rush, heart pounding, numbness, dry mouth, nausea, weakness, jelly legs, cold sweat, feeling of unreality - just remember, nothing bad is going to happen to you between now and your appointment. You've dealt with it - instead of just sitting worrying, you've done the right thing by making that appointment. When I say that, I do NOT mean that I think it's anything to worry about, I just mean that you should be proud of yourself for facing your fear and nipping this particular worry in the bud. I liken my anxiety to a goblin that sits on my left shoulder. Sometimes he's very persistent, and nigh on impossible to ignore. He loves Google. It empowers him because he feeds on my anxiety. I know how powerful the urge is to search the internet for symptoms; you're looking for reassurance, but all you ever find is Goblin food. Don't do it. Don't feed that goblin. This next piece of advice may seem strange, but trust me, it will help you! When you focus on your worry, and all those horrible anxiety symptoms suddenly come flooding over you like a tsunami of fear, let them in! Welcome them! They are only harmless feelings, caused by your own adrenaline; the fight or flight instinct humans have had since the stone age. They won't hurt you. Let them in - feel those horrible sensations flow through you - but don't hold on to them - let them pass. Instead of allowing all those paralysing thoughts to explode, creating even more adrenaline and ramping up those horrible sensations even more - focus only on allowing them to pass right through you. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply - difficult, I know, when your heart is racing, but you'll find it easier each time you do it. Slowly does it...breathe in calm, breathe out stress.....breathe in calm, breathe out stress.... You've got this. Xxx

13-09-21, 19:39
How big was yours?

13-09-21, 19:40
This is one of the best replies I’ve ever seen here. Thank you so much.

13-09-21, 19:41
@sparky16 how big was yours?

13-09-21, 20:10
This is one of the best replies I’ve ever seen here. Thank you so much.

Followed by....

@sparky16 how big was yours?

Go read that reply again.


14-09-21, 00:11
Gosh, it was a long time ago, but it was a little bit bigger than a BB, if anyone knows what a BB is anymore. So tiny, really. My doctor was mildly concerned, but not alarmed. ​

I have a friend who has a similar lump that is calcification from where she got hit with a baseball years ago. Like I said, there's a lot of harmless things that it's likely to be.

14-09-21, 06:44
Damn, I was hoping that because mine is so tiny my doctor wouldn’t be concerned. I hate tests and I really want him to not want to order any!
Gosh, it was a long time ago, but it was a little bit bigger than a BB, if anyone knows what a BB is anymore. So tiny, really. My doctor was mildly concerned, but not alarmed. ​

I have a friend who has a similar lump that is calcification from where she got hit with a baseball years ago. Like I said, there's a lot of harmless things that it's likely to be.

14-09-21, 21:20
Ugh I know @fishmanpa, it’s embarrassing

Followed by....

Go read that reply again.


04-03-23, 01:48
Did you get this checked out? I have the exact same symptoms!

26-05-23, 23:19
Hi Pennie i also have noticed something similar. Did you find out what yours was?