View Full Version : Experiencing weird symptoms after workout

07-09-21, 23:49
Hi 👋
I've always suffered from health anxiety and tried to overcome it as best as possible but it has reared its ugly head again and is making me worried.
I did an intense but short dumbbell workout for arms and core on Sunday. I am a petite 31 yo female. I felt OK doing it but it was hard. I didn't lift anything too heavy. Max was 4.5kg but I'm only 44kg myself.

Anyway yesterday as the day wore on I was in agony. My whole body was hurting, especially my back and legs. I don't know if the backache was putting pressure anywhere else because I could feel a weird bubbling sensation on the left side of my body to the side of my breast every so often when I breathed. That went away after a couple of hours and I was ok but wasn't able to move much so had an early night. I woke up feeling better but my back was still giving me a lot of pain. However I jogged on the treadmill for 15 mins and did a short HIIT workout and felt fine. I had a nice warm bath too after and felt even better. However at some points in the day, I did feel a slight twinge in the same spot on the left hand side and very mild tingling in my left hand (that could be the anxiety as I do get physical symptoms of anxiety). Over the course of the evening the upperbback pain has worsened and I feel like it is making the front upper part of my body around the windpipe feel like there is some kind of pressure on it. I have no other symptoms having gone through the list online many times but as I'm experiencing this in the moment, it is worrying me. I know it is a direct result of the workout which perhaps was too intense for me so that is a bit reassuring but I've never experienced these weird symptoms before.

07-09-21, 23:56
What you are experiencing is called DOMS, which stands for "Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness". I lift weights and this happens a lot. My kettle ball is 38kg :p

DOM's actually stops me exercising sometimes and I have gaps of a month or 2 where I don't do any. It sucks.

Any intense workout, or use of unused muscles, will cause DOMs.

08-09-21, 00:03
Thanks. I did read about that but wasn't sure if that was also behind the other weird things like the feeling of pressure or the twinges etc.