View Full Version : Head Pains For Few Days?

08-09-21, 13:56
For the last 3 or 4 days I've had some mild head pain, sometimes I get a sharp darting, and it can be in different parts of my head, sometimes the right temple, sometimes the crown of my head. It makes me squint when I get it, but lasts no more than a couple seconds. I also have a soreness around my head, like someone has rubber band kind of tightness. Not sure if I'm explaining this right?

It's mild, but I feel kind of drained and its making me very anxious, I start going to worse case like aneuryms and bleeding/blood clots etc. I usually don't get headaches, and because its lasted a few days now, its causing me to be more worried and so on.

No other symptoms, I don't know whether theirs factors like the weather changes, or my hair being tied up (I have my hair tied up almost all the time, not tightly but its always up).

I'm hydrated, I drink lots of water.

I'm 33, no other symptoms at the moment, don't feel dizzy, or lightheaded (though I do get lightheaded now and then but I've always had that), no stumbling or coordination problems, no vision issues. Medications are Eltroxin for hypothyroid, and Hald Beta Prograne 80mg slow release for anxiety and blood pressure.

I don't mean to worry but yeah, just kinda worried. Also not getting any changes when I bend down, or when I lower my head back or forth. Yeah, just got kinda worried cause it's been coming and going last few days, nothing severe, or intense, no blackouts, just a mild pressure and sometimes a sharp darting, and that's what I've had. Any ideas?

08-09-21, 22:25
Sounds like ice pick headaches, or just irritated nerves mixed with a regular tension headache. Completely harmless. I get this all the time when I've been sitting in a bad position at the computer, or if I pick something heavy up and my neck gets too tense. It can feel really intense for a split second, enough to make me jump! The scalp is full of nerves and can cause a lot of weird sensations. I once had a horrendous headache because I changed the parting in my hair without drying it first!

The big scary causes you mentioned wouldn't present as quick stabbing jolts or the dull pains that you describe. They would be extremely obvious, wouldn't come and go, and there's no way you'd be typing here if it was one of those. Headaches on their own are almost always due to a benign cause.

The more you worry, the longer the headache will linger too. Why don't you try a gentle scalp massage, or get somebody to give your shoulders a rub to see if your neck is tense? Also, check if your jaw has any tightness, as that's another culprit for tension headaches!

08-09-21, 22:48
I've heard about ice pick headaches but didn't really know much about them. Yeah, it just feels unpleasant, its not very painful. Yeah, I'm just going to try take it easy and relax and not get as tense and anxious, not easy at the moment for some reason but I'll try.

Probably worrying has kept it going on longer too, and I do even without knowing, am clenching my jaw, so that will most likely add to it too. I felt soreness on the right side of my head when I felt it, so definitely tightness in my muscless too.

Thanks for replying, I'll try to see if someone will give my shoulders and neck a massage if I'm lucky! :D x

18-09-21, 01:59
Tonight while I was sitting watching TV, I got a sudden rush of lightheadedness, and it lasted a good few minutes, it was very frightening. I felt warm, and then, after a while it settled down but I still feel slightly light headed, but my body is shaking and I feel cold? Not sure if it was blood pressure, insulin, or some sort of panic attack? But I kept thinking about Sepsis again, it freaked me out. Just felt very funny, even when I stood up, took a long time for the whoozy feeling to subside.

Since I had those headaches, which settled down, but I've had an odd pain here and there. I don't know what's going on.

18-09-21, 08:31
That does sound very much like a panic attack Mischa. Sorry it happened, but they do sometimes. My last one was accompanied by a headache too.
Try not to dwell on it because it’s the fear that keeps them coming back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18-09-21, 12:04
@Scass Yeah, it probably was, I fell asleep soon after, which a proper night sleep seems to have helped a bit. I'm going to try not dwell on it today, and get on with my day as best I can. Thanks Scass :)

29-09-21, 14:19
I don't know what's causing it, but I've had a feeling of unsteadiness for the past couple weeks, it happens mostly when standing, I feel like I'm going to one side even though I'm not, it's really weird and unsettling.

I don't know what it is but I'm thinking all sorts of terrible things it could be.

It's a whoozy sensation, even sometimes when sitting. It's making me stressed and anxious. Never had a dizzy spell last this long.

I've made an app with my gp tomorrow Btw.

04-10-21, 14:44
I was at the doctor's last Thursday, about my dizziness/unsteadiness feeling, and she did loads of balance tests, checked my ears, checked my chest back and front, oximeter, blood pressure - which was a bit high but that happens, asked me questions like ''did I have any numbness, chest pain etc'' no. She said to get some bloods done, as earlier in the year I had them and my iron was very low, so I've to get them this week. Check for anaemia etc. She said she thinks its stress, and I think that's partially what it is but I've had it on and off now for nearly 2 weeks. It comes and goes, and lasts for a few minutes, but feels like a long time.

I suffer with getting a blocked nose sometimes, and thought maybe it could related to my sinuses? Or perhaps some sort of eye strain from being on the computer all day? I'm trying not to just to conclusions but it has me really worked up thinking about it, like even when I'm out walking my dog, all of a sudden I'll feel it coming on, and it is unnerving that sensation that you're unsteady but walking normally. I don't even feel like I'm going to fall over or pass out, just feel it in my head. What is causing this?

Soon as I look on Google = Aortic Aneurysm/Heart Attack comes up. Especially Dizziness and lightheadedness etc.

05-10-21, 21:34
It's been coming in waves the last day or two. For a while, I can feel okay, then I feel the almost 'throbbing' feeling in my head followed by a whoozy/dizzy sensation. I never feel like I'm going to pass out, or fall over, it just feels unpleasant, and I need to sit for a while until it goes away. I am feeling anxious about it and even when I'm not noticing it, it comes on, and then I can't help but notice it. It seemed to happen a bit more today, but its mild, and I don't have any headaches or anything, just comes and goes, lasts a little while, a few minutes and then fades away for a while again. Like I said, comes in waves throughout the day.

I did get worried about serious things, I'm trying not too, but its hard.

06-10-21, 12:19
Going the doctors today, had a very rough night, chest flutters and head pains too. Just feeling really rough today.