View Full Version : Worried about long QT

09-09-21, 21:42
Hey all so as the title might suggest I am scared I have long QT. I read an article on it the other week about a 30 year old mother of 3 who dropped dead of it. No prior symptoms or diagnosis. Cue some hysterical googling. Now Iv never fainted or had a fit but I have suffered quite badly with palpitations on and off over the years Iv had several ecgs in my younger years late teens and early 20s and after I had my son nearly 5years ago I had a sort of cardiac event after his birth and had some irregular ecgs in hospital and ended up having some kind of ultrasound of the heart. All fine had 24hr heart monitor and it said I had a sinus arrhythmia but my doctor said it wasn’t even an arrhythmia per say. I let go of the fear for a few years and learned to live with the palps and stuff but PST year the fear is back Iv been having really bad fluttering palpitations and have had some attacks of vertigo (really unpleasant and looking back makes me realise how ridiculous I was being when insisted I felt dizzy during panic attacks) Iv had the unshakeable fear for a year anyway that there is something wrong. And now since I read the article I’m scared it’s this long QT my grandmo her dropped dead when my dad was 12 in the early 60s and they never found the cause she was late 30s and what really gets to me is I don’t know much family history on mums side as she’s adopted and when she found her real mum we realised that side of the family was very unhealthy with cancers everywhere but they are a family of weirdos riddled in drink and drugs. She kept giving my mum different names for her father and she died last year. 6 months before she died I asked her for a name for mums real dad and she refused again saying what’s the point in raking old ground! Well lots of point for my mums piece of mind and so we could try and trace him and learn valuable family history ect. Vile woman. I’m going of tangent however. I guess I’m seeking reassurance or advice.

13-09-21, 17:48
Hey all so as the title might suggest I am scared I have long QT. I read an article on it the other week about a 30 year old mother of 3 who dropped dead of it. No prior symptoms or diagnosis. Cue some hysterical googling. Now Iv never fainted or had a fit but I have suffered quite badly with palpitations on and off over the years Iv had several ecgs in my younger years late teens and early 20s and after I had my son nearly 5years ago I had a sort of cardiac event after his birth and had some irregular ecgs in hospital and ended up having some kind of ultrasound of the heart. All fine had 24hr heart monitor and it said I had a sinus arrhythmia but my doctor said it wasn’t even an arrhythmia per say. I let go of the fear for a few years and learned to live with the palps and stuff but PST year the fear is back Iv been having really bad fluttering palpitations and have had some attacks of vertigo (really unpleasant and looking back makes me realise how ridiculous I was being when insisted I felt dizzy during panic attacks) Iv had the unshakeable fear for a year anyway that there is something wrong. And now since I read the article I’m scared it’s this long QT my grandmo her dropped dead when my dad was 12 in the early 60s and they never found the cause she was late 30s and what really gets to me is I don’t know much family history on mums side as she’s adopted and when she found her real mum we realised that side of the family was very unhealthy with cancers everywhere but they are a family of weirdos riddled in drink and drugs. She kept giving my mum different names for her father and she died last year. 6 months before she died I asked her for a name for mums real dad and she refused again saying what’s the point in raking old ground! Well lots of point for my mums piece of mind and so we could try and trace him and learn valuable family history ect. Vile woman. I’m going of tangent however. I guess I’m seeking reassurance or advice.

Just to clarify some stuff, long QT Syndrom is a hereditary disease that is usually passed from the parent to the baby, it does not always cause a problem but some times it may cause deadly arrythmias. In case you had long QT it would get picked up by the ECG that you had. Its a syndrom you are born with, so the bottom line is that if you had it, after all those ECG's and 24hour heart rate monitor examinations, you would have known it because the doctor would have informed you. So relax!

14-09-21, 11:47
Thankyou for the reality check iwantpeace. I have never had the fear before until the bloody article in the paper. I realise it’s very selfish thinking of me instead of thinking oh poor woman and her children I go straight to thinking oh s**t that’s what I have 🙄 my anxiety had been bad for about a year and I cannot stand heart sensations. The palpitations and the fluttering make me feel weird and faint, I’m 31 and still can’t shake this fear ! X