View Full Version : Eye twitching for several days, do not want to google

10-09-21, 13:04
Hello to all,

Few days ago the lower lid , under my right eye, started twitching. I did not pay a lot of attention, because, like everyone else, it happened to me before, and it passes. However, this has been at least 3 or 4 days now. Sometimes i can feel it , it is uncomfortable, and there are periods in a day when I cannot feel it, but if I look in the mirror, I can actually see it! I am scared , but I really do not want to Google. I also do not know how to stop it and it is not pleasant at all. There were few nights this week where I could not sleep ( I was very nervous and upset about something), so I thought the lack of sleep may be the reason for twitching. Last night, however, I slept well, and it is twitching this morning as well. I have no idea if it has anything to do with a freckle that an eye doctor diagnosed me with, my right eye, few weeks ago, but I do not believe it would be connected. Regardless, I am very scared, and it is very bothersome too. Any piece of advice, word of comfort, or suggestion, would be highly appreciated. I am relatively healthy, 60 years old, and I did have brain MRI three years ago for my carpal tunnel issues, and that was normal. Please help, and thanks in advance

10-09-21, 13:15
I would say it's probably still related to having a period of reduced sleep. When I have a run of bad sleeping, one good night doesn't seem to make up for it, it takes a few.

10-09-21, 16:33
Thank you Catkins for your reply.

It still goes on, I am getting myself at this point, into panic. If anybody has more info on this, I would highly appreciate.

Do I need to see a doctor? I am scared.

10-09-21, 17:54
No you don't need to see a doctor. Twitching can go on for weeks and then suddenly resolve. It happens to me and to my daughter. It's a common anxiety sensation and is insignificant. You have to believe this though? There is no point in asking for advice unless you try to process it and believe what other people tell you.

11-09-21, 00:23
Dear Pulisa,

Thank you so much, you are always , at least for me, very comforting. I appreciate your response, I am calming down.

I also started seeing some bruises ( mostly on my legs, and sometimes arms), that I absolutely do not remember to have banged myself. I worry about that a little bit too, but I had a full bloodwork/metabolic panel done in March this year, and that was all normal ( for some reason I believe that one cannot get a raging leukemia that quickly, LOL). I guess as a woman who just turned sixty, it is much easier to bruise...Oh well...
Thank you again.

11-09-21, 01:44
Lana dear, you are fine. I've had eye twitches last for weeks, its never been anything more than annoying. My son had both eyes twitching, it was driving him crazy, it went on a few weeks and stopped. No idea exactly why it happens but its very common and I have never heard it was anything serious.

I am 61 I see random bruises too, not a clue where they came from but again, they come and go, they mean nothing. I did have a bruise on my breast, kind of freaked me out because you would absolutely know hitting your breast hard enough to bruise.. nope...I had no clue. It eventually went away.

Our bodies do some very odd things that mean nothing.

11-09-21, 08:09
I'm 62 so know how hard it is to keep a check on HA when we're made to believe that we are in the firing line for all sorts of nasty diseases..

I don't really think about my age..I probably should but I prefer not to!!:D We're all younger than Madonna though!!:D

I think it's important to be aware of red flag symptoms but apart from that, I think it's best to try not to overanalyse every sensation/pain and to keep doctor visits to essential only.

11-09-21, 08:46
I had a random bout of 'eyelid twitching' that lasted for weeks on end. Optician (lovely young man) informed me that my tear ducts were blocked and to use a warm flannel a few times a day. I also made sure that I removed all of my mascara instead of going to bed with it on. Oops!

11-09-21, 21:07
My eye has been twitching the last couple of days too - I think it's a pretty common anxiety/stress symptom, I really wouldn't worry

11-09-21, 22:32
Guys, Pulisa, Nora, Nancy, Malanixon,

Thank you all, so much, I feel closer to some of the people on this Forum, than to some of my "friends" of many years.

Love to you all,


12-09-21, 00:06
Just want to add that, however, from last night, when I am not moving, I am twitching all over my body ( legs, arms). I am just hoping this is now happening because I worked myself up about the eye twitching. But regardless - I am scared. The more scared I am, the more I twitch. Everywhere ( left leg, both arms...) I am very sad. I will just hope this will pass.

12-09-21, 12:42
Hey Lana, I currently have a twitch in my lower left eye lid going into week 4! I believe it’s down to lack of sleep and stress etc. Some days it barely comes on and others it is constant. I’ve noticed the more I think of it it twitches more and when I’m busy it doesn’t, the first week I got a bit worried and just like you other parts of my body started twitching but I know it’s just anxiety! Warm compress helps me a lot. Try not to worry about it and keep busy, soon you will notice it starting to get better and the completely go!

12-09-21, 15:19

Thank you so much - oh my God, you helped me so much saying that at some point you also started twitching in other parts of your body! Oh my God, last night I could not fall asleep until 3 am - I know deep inside it is from overwhelming anxiety and fear , but every time I would start falling asleep ( I was exhausted), either my calf would twitch, or somewhere in my arm, or some third place on my body! At about two am , I was so beside myself, I started sobbing, and was just sitting in my bed, crying...I was alone in my bed, because my husband was busy doing something in our basement, and simply fell asleep there. My son was not at home, so I was alone with my witches and panic and dark thoughts, I just felt that something really sinister is starting to happen....I have been suffering from the anxiety, health anxiety and in the past several years, clinical OCD. I do not know how to help myself any more ( I had therapy for years, but every relief was short lived). I also gave up on medication, because I would fear all the time about long term side effects....

12-09-21, 18:04
Body twitches are more noticeable when you're resting, Lana.

How can you help yourself? You've ruled out therapy because you've had your fill of that and you don't want to take meds. Personally I think it's a question of mental response. You react with fear and panic..What if you just thought "Bring it on..I don't care anymore. Do your worst." Learning to turn the panic dial down from intense to less intense to moderate to low? It would be a real challenge but ultimately you're aiming for a "so what?" response to bog standard anxiety symptoms.

Instead of heading straight to Dr Google, panic and a thread on here asking for reassurance..why not start by learning about all the classic anxiety symptoms which can be persistent yet which are completely benign?

12-09-21, 19:19
I was thinking of trying just what you suggested Pulisa. I will. This week has been extremely hard on me, though, because I had my mother in law visiting, and at this point my germphobia is so bad, that I can not relax if there is someone in my house other than my husband, my son and me. It is real torture.

I just want not to feel this miserable.

12-09-21, 19:46
When is she leaving? I'm sure the stress of the visit will be behind the twitching. I hope you get your house back really soon. It must be a huge strain on you and I can understand how miserable you must feel..

12-09-21, 20:03

She just left. I have a special UVA light vacuum that sanitizes so I just wanted to clean a little bit, because we do not wear outside shoes in the house, but she kept on walking around in her shoes, and it gave me huge anxiety. But my husband who is probably fed up with my mental issues, snapped at me and said that what I was doing was senseless. I said that it was going to take just few minutes, and he said: but I am watching football, and I just broke down and started sobbing... I am so miserable, I do not know what to do any more, and I feel so lonely.

I am supposed to see my optometrist tomorrow, because I need new glasses and stuff, and I will talk to him about the week of lower eyelid twitching, since he will see it anyway. I just need to know that the rest of the twitching that started after I had gotten upset about the eyelid, is simply my anxiety doing that. Thank you again for all your support, it means world to me.

12-09-21, 20:12
Twitching all over the body is very common with anxiety. There are so many references to it on here where people fear the worst ie neuro disease. It's an uncomfortable sensation which gets more pronounced the more you focus on it and yes..the twitches can be widespread but benign.

Let the optometrist do an eye test tomorrow for the new prescription. He will be able to talk you through your fears much better than Dr Google or anyone on here x

12-09-21, 20:55
Last year i had a twitchy eye lid upper left that lasted for four months! I called my GP in a a panic convinced, I had MND needless to say she reassured me it was almost certainly related to stress. Try and not to focus on it too much..... easier said than done I know, us health anxiety sufferers are super sensitive to what are 99% normal bodily functions. now i just ignore the pesky twitch . You can try a warm compress on it, that often helps. Mine did settle. They are so common and go away by themselves. Let us know how you get on xxx

12-09-21, 20:58
i just ignore the pesky twitch

Exactly. I've had a twitch in my elbow for about two weeks. Annoying? yes. Sinister? Not in the least... Eh...:shrug:


12-09-21, 21:27
Thank you guys, so much! I also keep on reading Fishmanpa's Sticky about ALS AND WHY YOU DO NOT HAVE IT. I will keep on reading it as long as it takes for me to emerge from this crisis.

13-09-21, 07:51
Try not to see it as a "crisis", Lana? It's HA pure and simple. If you downgrade the issue it won't have the same power to terrify you.

13-09-21, 08:10
Just want to add that, however, from last night, when I am not moving, I am twitching all over my body ( legs, arms). I am just hoping this is now happening because I worked myself up about the eye twitching. But regardless - I am scared. The more scared I am, the more I twitch. Everywhere ( left leg, both arms...) I am very sad. I will just hope this will pass.

Sometimes I have full body spasms and my hand has twitched while I was holding a cup of coffee - in a coffee shop! :huh:

Try to see the connection in what you've said?

The more scared I am, the more I twitch.

This is about anxiety, hyperstimulation and the fight or flight response..

What's happening is that your body is constantly primed for fight or flight and part of this normal response to danger (whether it's real or imagined) is to send blood to the parts of the body that are required to fight or run like buggery.

Muscles tighten to prevent (or lessen) injury.

Electrical activity in the body is increased to improve reactivity.

Blood sugar is increased.

Any of the symptoms above, on their own, will cause muscle twitching..

Then there are other causes like sleep deprivation, medication side effects, hormone imbalance, nutritional deficiencies (magnesium being one culprit of muscle twitching), low blood sugar, hyperventilation, dehydration and all of these are the most likely cause of this symptom before you get anywhere near to neurological disorders. Because you have health anxiety your mind is taking you to the very worst, but least likely scenario. That's what HA does. The reason this is happening when you're not moving (I have full body spasms as well as twitching when I'm lying down) is because you have all those stress hormones in your body and every time you think scary thoughts, your body releases even more and symptoms like muscle twitching are inevitable. Your body is constantly in fight or flight mode, even when you're resting. Just because we're not moving about doesn't mean we're resting? People who have HA are never 'resting'. Their minds are always on the crazy train and so those symptoms keep on happening and they feel much worse because we're not moving to burn off some of that nervous energy.

Does any of this make sense to you?

13-09-21, 12:59
Pulisa, thank you again for taking time for me.

Nora - thank you much, and yes, it truly does make sense. In the last 15 years or so of my mental struggle, my mind was - and I swear I am not exaggerating - able to produce every symptom under the Sun except actual bleeding.

As I may have mentioned earlier, I am suppose to see my eye doctor today (scheduled weeks ago for annual exam, new prescription and similar).I will obviously talk to him about the eyelid twitching, and take it from there.

I am so exhausted from not sleeping. Having this Forum , though, helps a lot.

Thank you guys , again.

14-09-21, 12:18
Hi I have this random eye twitch that can go on for ages (think the longest was a fortnight I was convinced it was a brain problem) also the bruising I am have always got bruises on my legs or arm somewhere I bruise very easily. If I actually bang my leg on something the bruise will be terrible to the point my partner asks can I cover it as he’s embarrassed to be seen with me if it’s on show incase people think he’s done it 😂 x

16-09-21, 08:03
Also had eye twitching periods of many weeks normally comes when I've had a period of bad sleep & too much computer work. I was recommended eye drops a couple of times a day when it happens, actually found eye gel helped the most. Also like Nora said above, make sure you're getting enough minerals (drink mineral water for a few days, I take magnesium every day too before bed), anxiety & stress can drain your body of essential minerals which can make you twitchy.

16-09-21, 13:34
Thank you Tomtom83 for your reply.

It is about 9 days today. I am trying to rationalize, but this really keeps me down. I saw my eye doctor in the meantime ( it was scheduled long ago), and he said often people come to him for eyelid twitching only, because they get scared.He explained that his is pretty common and harmless, sometimes may take long time to disappear. Unfortunately, since I started randomly twitching all over, it is very hard to stay calm. Eye doctor, naturally, did not comment on body twitching, but I understand that. I am seeing my GP (internist) tomorrow whom I trust, and who has known me for years. I am hoping he will give me just basic clinical neuro exam , confirm that I have no damage, and no need to see neurologist, and help me not being this afraid. Please guys, wish me luck for Friday morning. Thank you all again for taking time to respond and support me.

16-09-21, 13:53
Good luck, Lana. It's good that you trust your GP and that he won't refer you to a neurologist just for reassurance purposes which would not be helpful in terms of HA management. Please let us know how you get on? Not long to wait now.

17-09-21, 08:49
Good luck, if it helps I can get muscle twitches all over the place again coupled with bad sleep & stress. Used to train a lot & could get similar after long weights sessions, just fatigued muscles & I would say you have nothing to worry about but trust what the doctor says.

EDIT: I take a pinch of salt in water a couple of times a day too, helps make sure you're getting enough potassium which is used in muscle contractions

17-09-21, 13:40
So Lana can I ask you a timeline thing …. did you get an eye twitch then start worrying about ALS? And then, AFTER you began worrying about ALS, you got widespread twitching?

It has happened this way for me too. And the “ anecdata” suggests that worrying about ALS CAUSES twitches. I think it’s fascinating if true. Someone should do a research project on it

17-09-21, 17:15
jojo2316 Yes, basically, that is what had happened.

In the meantime, my doctor of more than 15 years, who is internist, saw me today. All I can say is: he was "politely dismissive" . That is what I was actually hoping to get, and luckily, I trust him very much.

He said that eye twitching happens, and one can never know truly why, and how long it may last. He told me as well it happens to him pretty often.

After I mentioned getting random twitches all over, he said that I am hyperfocusing, and that this alone means literally nothing. Once you stop focusing on your eye, and relax and forget about it, it will stop, because that is how it works, added he.

I asked if he thought I needed any tests at all, he said: No. Then I asked if he needs to just test my reflexes right there, and he said: No. AT the end I said: Do you remember my EMG and nerve study two years ago, and do you think this would have picked something alarming then? He said : Yes.

Told me again to try not to focus on it, to try to relax. He also said that my eye tests appointment three days ago, which was all normal, is additional proof nothing is wrong.

I know he would have not just let me go if he thought anything needed any tests.

So, that is it for now. I am hoping the eye will stop soon. I just want this all he said to sink in.

Thank you guys, again.

17-09-21, 17:53
Be assertive with yourself, Lana? Not "that is it for now" but "that is it".

Your doctor didn't really tell you anything that hasn't already been said on here but I get that you prefer a professional and trusted assessment to opinions from a bunch of randoms on here..

Enjoy the sinking in process and remember that you are fine and have passed his test which means everything to you. Think of that if any doubts start to creep in which they may well do with HA but they are just intrusive thoughts which can be considered but rejected.

17-09-21, 18:24
Ok, Pulisa, you are 100 % right. I am saying: That is it! I will fight this horrible anxiety as much as possible, and I will start walking out more, instead of sitting and browsing symptoms.

Thank you, thank you, thank you !

20-09-21, 17:40
I went today through a few of my medical charts , because I wanted to look again into my chart when EMG was done two years ago on my arms, after which I was diagnosed by a neurologist with bi-lateral carpal tunnel syndrome. I also wanted top read again my doctor's notes from last Friday, where he , as I saw , after my visit, wrote: Benign Fasciculations, reassured patient. That is when I started counting: in a little more than a year I was at the doctor's office for more than 20 times!!! I lost the count.
My doctor ( internist) several times; another 4 medical practitioners in that same clinic, several times, two of which were MDs and two PAs; my dermatologist, several times; my gynecologist 2 times; ortho doctor two times. I am not counting multiple dentist's visits. So, within a year, definitely more than 20 times . Many tests performed too, including spine x ray, extensive blood and metabolic panel, comprehensive eye exam, and so on and so on...All of a sudden, I was faced with the reality of the magnitude of my anxiety and OCD.

My eyelid is still twitching, true; but I also now know that during these 20+ visits to various doctors, one of them ( at least), would have noticed if something was seriously wrong with me ( other than mentally wrong). How is a person to go on like this in life? What does it take to calm down? I am at a loss.

20-09-21, 17:56
You will have to discipline yourself not to reach for the phone and make an appointment every time you google and come up with a sinister reason for a perceived issue you think you have.

Stick to red flag symptoms only.

Never google.

Don't throw money at your HA. Save it for when you really need it..and you will know if and when you do.