View Full Version : how many of us suffer from racing minds?

15-11-07, 09:31
i have been on citalopram for nearly 4 weeks. the major panics have gone and anxiety is reducing but the most distressing symptom for me is my racing mind which makes me feel anxious and down.:weep:

just wondered how many others suffer this?

i get intrusive horrible thoughts too and i fall into the trap of thinking that when i get on top of them - the anxiety will have gone but even though the thoughts are getting weaker - i am still left with this background of my mind constantly racing - its usually about anxiety, my condition etc - its like my mind talking to itself and i have no control over it. so i am starting to realise that there are probably many layers to our anxiety, intrusive thoughts layered on a racing, anxious, tired mind to begin with.

i am waiting for cbt but am concerned that adding yet more thoughts into the mix will only make it worse!

on a positive note - the panics have gone, the anxiety is lessening and the intrusive thoughts are getting weaker. i keep thinking i have not improved but i am actually much improved to how i was a month ago. i suppose if this racing mind went i would consider myself "cured" and its highly unlikely i would be "cured" within a month!!!! so maybe i am just being too impatient as usual! any thoughts or anyone with similar experiences? xx

15-11-07, 10:28
hi,i too am on citalopram 20mgs,i also get the racing thoughts,but usually whilst trying to get to sleep.i have been on them for 7 weeks now and although i feel better i still feel extremely tired at times.not much energy,although i do work in a care home and that is pretty tiring.the housework is suffering too can't be bothered lol.still not very socially orientated either,scaes me to attend social gatherings,never mind time will tell.

15-11-07, 12:31
ive suffered with this all my life. the worst thing for me is i believe its a major factor in my anxiety as it has caused me a lack of sleep:(

this is when i feel the worst late at night trying to sleep. sometimes i dont even think my mind is racing but i just have an inability to relax mentally.

glad to hear your panic attacks have subsided though mate.

nice work:)

15-11-07, 22:46
Try Meditation - it works belive me, you must practice daily and you can induce calm whenever you need to come down.
Meditation is not just about relaxing it is about concentrating the mind on one object say your breathing and everytime your mind wanders off your breathing you gently bring it back to your feeling say in your nose whn you inhale and exhale. After some daily practice you will find that your mind calms down and when you need it to you can practice your skill and calm your mind.

Good luck


16-11-07, 20:20
Hi Joanna

Great to hear things are getting better for you. You don't need to be in a rush to find a cure, medication takes a lot longer than you think to really kick in, and your mind takes time to heal itself with the help of the medication.
Even after you feel completely better, it's usual to stay on medication for at least a few months, to give your mind a chance to rest and recover properly.
The racing mind can be distressing, and CBT will help you learn to focus your mind and let go of the irritating side thoughts that are clamouring for your attention.

I was also bothered that going for talking treatment might sort of pile up extra anxiety on top of the big jumble I already had. It didn't. If anything, it started gently unravelling very tight mental knots and tidying up loose ends so I could think a lot straighter. It wasn't a strict "You must do this now" atmosphere either.
Therapists/counsellors and their techniques are a lot more gentle and thoughtful than the set-in-stone mainstream medicine world.

Meewah's right, meditating is a brilliant skill to deal with a racing mind, though don't expect to become an expert overnight. You can feel some benefits just through trying it, however.


17-11-07, 12:01
hi amandag

thanks so much for your reassuring post. i can honestly say i am starting to see tiny improvements day by day but patience is a big problem for me! that's what i need to do - focus my mind more and so am def looking forward to the cbt.

i look back and it took me a year of terrible stress and strain before my poor brain had a fit and so i keep reminding myself that it could take as long to recover. thanks for all the advice. x