View Full Version : Scary visual disturbance, really worried

11-09-21, 09:27
I'm panicking instead of enjoying my weekend. Yesterday evening before going to sleep, I was using my phone, when I noticed that it's difficult to read, because the middle of my vision was a blind spot. I turned the light on and the strangest things happened. The blind spot was growing and moving around, then I was seeing a colorful (red and blue) line above the center of my vision. Soon after, the whole left side of my vision looked like a heat wave which was moving rapidly, here's a really accurate depiction - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Scintillating_scotoma.gif

After about 15 minutes my vision came back to normal and I started googling. As you can see in the link above, I think that it was a scintillating scotoma, which is an aura that happens before migraines. The thing is, I had no headache after, and I never suffered from migraines. I'm panicking about a brain tumor, because I've read that such aura without a headache before age 40 warrants neuroimaging, and I'm 26. I'm going to a wedding today but I'm literally shaking in my bed right now, what do I do?

11-09-21, 21:03
Are you sure it couldn't have been an afterimage from your phone screen? Even if not, it could have been a migraine aura. I get that it's scary, but if it was a brain tumour you'd most likely be getting other, more intense symptoms - not a single visual disturbance one time. I think if you're worried about it, speak to a doctor for a peace of mind but if it's a one time thing it's probably nothing. My vision does all sorts of things too.

11-09-21, 22:13
It is most probably an ocular migraine. I get them quite regularly. Nothing to worry about

12-09-21, 00:58
I get migraine auras just like you’re describing. I don’t ever get a headache with them.

12-09-21, 05:13
Sounds like an aura to me. I used to get a few of them a week, generally without a headache. Scary, yes, but pretty much always harmless; my GP wasn't bothered even when I had two in three hours.

13-09-21, 07:16
Booked a brain MRI for 28 September, I need to check if my brain is clear. Thanks for the reassurance anyways

13-09-21, 07:33
...Why in the world do I ever bother trying to help out on this site?

23-09-21, 05:43
I don’t ever get a headache with my migraines either. I had an MRI with my first migraine aura and recently the doc sent me for a ct scan when my auras changed. (I now see the pulsing zig zags.) Maybe it’s because I’m 61, but my doc told me to tell her if they change again. So I think imaging is probably a good idea.

23-09-21, 13:23
So I think imaging is probably a good idea.

I disagree. Paid reassurance is just a way to drain your bank account and doesn't work as evidenced many times on this forum.


23-09-21, 16:49
I have health anxiety, so my judgment in these matters is inherently flawed. Thanks for your input Fishman.

Don’t you think, though, that we are morally obligated to sometimes encourage posters to seek appropriate medical care? I was sent for an MRI when I had my first migraine aura. My husband refused to go get checked when he started having migraine auras. He would likely still be alive today had he done so.

24-09-21, 03:03
I have health anxiety, so my judgment in these matters is inherently flawed. Thanks for your input Fishman.

Don’t you think, though, that we are morally obligated to sometimes encourage posters to seek appropriate medical care? I was sent for an MRI when I had my first migraine aura. My husband refused to go get checked when he started having migraine auras. He would likely still be alive today had he done so.

In this case Debbie, the OP was looking at a phone, had a visual anomaly, googled and came up with a scenario that fits the panic and feeds the dragon. Certainly, if the OP is that concerned, then yes, see a doctor. My inkling especially in light of the post history, is the 'Told You So Gang' will pay a visit ;)


24-09-21, 09:02
I have health anxiety, so my judgment in these matters is inherently flawed. Thanks for your input Fishman.

Don’t you think, though, that we are morally obligated to sometimes encourage posters to seek appropriate medical care? I was sent for an MRI when I had my first migraine aura. My husband refused to go get checked when he started having migraine auras. He would likely still be alive today had he done so.

Im really sorry about your husband. What was his diagnosis after getting the auras, if I may ask? You got me a little concerned here honestly :(

24-09-21, 17:37
I’m so sorry for causing you more concern Mostu. I worried I would do that, but hoped I wouldn’t.

My husband was already extremely ill when he started getting migraine auras. He was so sick he couldn’t even sit up or eat most days. We had been to the ER and other doctors several times to figure out what was happening, but we couldn’t get any diagnosis. After several months, we discovered he had stage 4 lung cancer and a dozen tumors in his brain. He received a new drug therapy which erased all his cancer but one brain tumor. That one brain tumor is what he died from.

Had my husband had a brain mri, he would have been diagnosed and started on drug therapy months sooner than he was.

Remember, Mostu, migraine auras are extremely common. Had my husband not already been super sick and in his 60s, I don’t think I would have worried so much about him suddenly getting migraine auras. He was tired of tests and doctor visits and wouldn’t go to the ER when they started happening. I even told his surgeon about the auras after my husband was diagnosed and he didn’t seem concerned at all. When we finally got to the cancer clinic, I told the oncologist. My husband had a brain mri that same day. That’s when we discovered his brain tumors. The good news is that this new drug therapy took care of all of them but one.

You are young and healthy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I just think having an mri to make sure all is well isn’t a bad idea.

24-09-21, 17:41
I understand. I'm not particularly healthy since I already got thyroid cancer, but hopefully the aura I got isn't from cancer spread. I'll find out after the Tuesday MRI and I'll update here.

24-09-21, 18:07
I bet everything will be fine. I’ll pray for you and look for your update.

28-09-21, 14:39
Quick update. No tumors in MRI, but not exactly clear also. Turns out I have an Anterior inferior cerebellar artery loop, which is causing a neurovascular conflict, basically pressing on my auditory nerve. That explains the one-sided tinnitus I had since 5 years, waking up with my eyes jumping like I got off carousel, and losing balance sometimes. Perhaps the aura I had was actually benign. Thank you for your comments all!

28-09-21, 16:42
I’m so glad to hear your aura was benign and that you found an answer to your tinnitus!!!!

I hope you have a great day!