View Full Version : Really need some advice, I’m so scared.

11-09-21, 22:30
Hoping someone can give me some advice, and maybe find someone that has been where I am now and is okay!

my symptoms are:
shortness of breath, all the time, mainly when eating, and resting when I’m up and active it isn’t too bad, it feels like I can’t get enough air into my lungs and I find myself constantly trying or yawning.

night sweats, admittedly they aren’t soaking, but I am damp when waking up, which has never happened to me before, I’m always a cold person.

extreme itching!, now this has only been the past month but going with my other symptoms I’m so worried about this.

I have lost weight, from 8 stone 9 to 7 stone. But it’s hard to pinpoint what’s caused this as I do have a eating disorder.

I have periods in the day where I feel like I’ve been drained of every bit of energy, I start shaking and feel really faint and light headed, this is short lived and I don’t seem to be anxious at the time.

I had a blood test in January that showed my WBC was low but the doctor said she wasn’t concerned and would never even mention it if it was anyone else but she told me knowing the way I am and told me not to worry and we will check again in 4 weeks, I left it about 2 months and went back and everything came back normal.

now that would have been enough for me to believe but I was on here reading similar forums and people mentioned that lymphoma doesn’t always show in blood tests, which has sent me into panic mode.

I don’t feel healthy, I do have a wide range of symptoms, I can’t help but feel like this is real this time.

Im 25, so fairly young but I’ve read that it’s common in young people, I honestly am so scared and any advice would be appreciated!

thank you!:hugs:

11-09-21, 23:38
I was experiencing most of these symptoms when I was at the height of my lymphoma worries. The “night sweats” really freaked me out and was sort of the nail in the coffin convincing me I had cancer. Once I got the all clear from my doctor and started working on my anxiety, the “night sweats”, shortness of breath and weight loss magically disappeared. Go figure.

Remember your body is in fight or flight when anxious and does a lot of crazy things. Your symptoms, although very real, sound like anxiety to me.

Best Wishes

11-09-21, 23:40
It sounds like you're going down the list of something you read up on on Google.

That said, shortness of breath is something you should get checked out by a physician.

13-09-21, 07:44
Hoping someone can give me some advice, and maybe find someone that has been where I am now and is okay!

my symptoms are:
shortness of breath, all the time, mainly when eating, and resting when I’m up and active it isn’t too bad, it feels like I can’t get enough air into my lungs and I find myself constantly trying or yawning.

night sweats, admittedly they aren’t soaking, but I am damp when waking up, which has never happened to me before, I’m always a cold person.

extreme itching!, now this has only been the past month but going with my other symptoms I’m so worried about this.

I have lost weight, from 8 stone 9 to 7 stone. But it’s hard to pinpoint what’s caused this as I do have a eating disorder.

I have periods in the day where I feel like I’ve been drained of every bit of energy, I start shaking and feel really faint and light headed, this is short lived and I don’t seem to be anxious at the time.

Nothing here which the ED and anxiety can't explain...

I don’t feel healthy, I do have a wide range of symptoms, I can’t help but feel like this is real this time.

Neither did I with my eating disorders..

I'm interested in the eating disorder tbh as they present in many different ways. Does eating make you feel anxious?

15-09-21, 14:06
Thanks for your reply, I just signed myself up for therapy again which is good but still really worried about having cancer somewhere, as I am constantly in so much pain:weep:.

I have ARFID, I fear food poisoning, choking and anaphylaxis, which feeds into my health anxiety as of course I don’t want to die, I have avoiding most foods now for 2 years, I basically live of cheese and potato’s, they’re my ‘safe’ foods.