View Full Version : Can anyone help?

13-09-21, 15:31
Hi guys

I’ve had IBS-C for a long time

I have noticed over the last couple of months that my symptoms seem to be worse around when my period is due I also have it in my mind that dairy could be a problem

I made myself a cheese salad a few weeks ago and I remember feeling a bit sick while I was eating it didn’t really think much of it can’t remember how long it lasted

This morning I got up showered I was perfectly fine just a usual day with the usual health worries around 11am I had about half a dozen of my grandsons white chocolate buttons from the fridge

As soon as I ate them I felt like they got stuck in my throat and within minutes I had a upset stomach felt like heart burn I took a meberbrevin and 2 paracetamols didn’t really help

I had my lunch and felt a bit better got upset telling my husband right now I have burning in the back of my throat and my stomach feels tight it feels like ibs but I don’t get why it came on so suddenly and it’s doing my head in which I am sure isn’t helping 😒

I remember having similar issues last month when my period was due could it be related?

I was really enjoying my day off from work before this happened

Thanks guys


13-09-21, 15:38
I also have it in my mind that dairy could be a problem

I used to be able to eat dairy no problem. Then I hit my late 40s and that was that! My colon goes berserk if it encounters a cream cake!

How old are you cocker? Only it's well documented that once many people hit a certain age, they can no longer tolerate dairy..

13-09-21, 15:46
Hi Nora

Thanks for reply

I am 48 so maybe that’s what it is 🤔 one thing after another sometimes

I hate when I’m having a relatively good day and this happens 🙄

Thanks again x

13-09-21, 15:58
I used to be able to eat dairy no problem. Then I hit my late 40s and that was that! My colon goes berserk if it encounters a cream cake!

How old are you cocker? Only it's well documented that once many people hit a certain age, they can no longer tolerate dairy..

That happened to my wife. We switched to almond milk and she's had no issues.


13-09-21, 16:10
Hi Nora

Thanks for reply

I am 48 so maybe that’s what it is 樂 one thing after another sometimes

I hate when I’m having a relatively good day and this happens 

Thanks again x

Try going lactose free and see if that helps? This isn't the same as dairy free. I can't eat cheese either but that's mainly because it's a major migraine trigger for me, and has been for quite a long time now..

13-09-21, 16:13
That happened to my wife. We switched to almond milk and she's had no issues.


I drink oat milk. I was drinking coconut milk but I've identified an issue - as in it gives me migraines. There's not a lot that doesn't give me migraines these days. :weep: