View Full Version : "Is this the beginning of something bad" worry

13-09-21, 19:15
I am curious as if some on here have similar worries and in particular the problem of worrying that some test result or symptom is the beginning of something "bad". For example, I am currently in a worry loop of Pheochromocytoma (adrenal tumor). My immunologist ordered labs and norepinephrine came back at 1094 (0-874) range. He was not concerned, so I went to primary as I read (dr Google) that mast cell can mimic Pheochromocytoma(rare) and went down loop. I went to my primary and he said I woudl have BP issues and that number norepinephrine numbers would be 5-10x higher with tumor. He ordered additional labs, all were great except my normetanephrine was 175 (0-125 range) but metanephrine was good 22 (0-84 range). He said generally both number would be extremely high and the normetanephrine woudl be 8-10x higher and if he was concerned he would have ordered urine test and referred me to endocrinologist.

BUT, this is what I do...I discredit him and say "well he's not an endocrinologist", "what does he know"....and then I do the one thing Ialmost always do when Iworry and get somepeice of info that might be positive, I have that inner dialogue of "well maybe this is just the beginning of said disease or illness and of course the numbers wont be 10x higher...YET, but eventually they will"....I hate this thought pattern and its exhausting...not sure if others over go there? but man it stinks.

15-09-21, 09:16
I am curious as if some on here have similar worries and in particular the problem of worrying that some test result or symptom is the beginning of something "bad". For example, I am currently in a worry loop of Pheochromocytoma (adrenal tumor). My immunologist ordered labs and norepinephrine came back at 1094 (0-874) range. He was not concerned, so I went to primary as I read (dr Google) that mast cell can mimic Pheochromocytoma(rare) and went down loop. I went to my primary and he said I woudl have BP issues and that number norepinephrine numbers would be 5-10x higher with tumor. He ordered additional labs, all were great except my normetanephrine was 175 (0-125 range) but metanephrine was good 22 (0-84 range). He said generally both number would be extremely high and the normetanephrine woudl be 8-10x higher and if he was concerned he would have ordered urine test and referred me to endocrinologist.

BUT, this is what I do...I discredit him and say "well he's not an endocrinologist", "what does he know"....and then I do the one thing Ialmost always do when Iworry and get somepeice of info that might be positive, I have that inner dialogue of "well maybe this is just the beginning of said disease or illness and of course the numbers wont be 10x higher...YET, but eventually they will"....I hate this thought pattern and its exhausting...not sure if others over go there? but man it stinks.

I do this ALL the time. It’s so exhausting isn’t it? It’s a self made loop of self torture we put ourselves through. I do believe this is just one of many reasons and or symptoms that us ha sufferers go through.

16-09-21, 07:51
Oh yeh this is my pattern too, mainly when stress is high & energy low, I loose the ability to accept the more logically explanations & start to write my own newspaper headlines in my head about something horrible, symptoms missed & how it started.