View Full Version : Stress bumps?

15-09-21, 11:18
Is there such a thing, yet another anxiety symptom?
I have small raised white pimple size bumps on my neck, chest and shoulder area that become itchy, then hot, then turn red and finally into a rash. They seem to heal over a few days then more come back!
Anyone else had these?

15-09-21, 17:17
I get very small hard lumps on my face which I think are called milia, but I don't get them on my chest/neck area. Have you ruled out an allergic reaction/sensitivity to something you've just started using? Soap, shower gel, washing powder?

I have troublesome skin but generally on my chest/neck/shoulders it's skin tags or spots and my chest is permanently discoloured (reddish/patchy looking).

My first point of call would be sensitivity to something.

15-09-21, 19:29
Thank you for replying catkins, I do appreciate your advice. I was wondering about milia too.
I haven't changed anything I use except for soap which was well over a week ago now. I immediately stopped using it and went back to my faithful.
Washing powder, no. Diet change, no. Exposure to sun, no. Anxiety, yes. That's why I thought it might be a nervous reaction.

15-09-21, 19:41
To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if it was anxiety. It does like to throw a curve ball in now and again.

15-09-21, 19:42
Can you try anti histamines like loratadine? particularly as they are itchy?

15-09-21, 21:45
Thanks, I'll have a look at that Pulisa.

15-09-21, 23:09
Was going to suggest the same as P! If it is an allergic reaction, a histamine would clear it right up.

16-09-21, 00:45
Thanks for answering glassgirlw.