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15-09-21, 14:02
Been twitching for about a month. random. leg, then calf, then arm. Sometimes even will notice a twitch on my face. sometimes more of a crawling feeling than twitch. If it was something serious would i have some other symptoms by now? i simply can not stop googling muscle twitching, and its consuming me. The twitching is driving me crazy. The anxiety is horrible and i feel liken im losing it. My Dr recc a see neurologist, however he doesnt think its anything severe, and wants me to get a piece of mind. This isnt helping though. The appt is still 6 weeks away

15-09-21, 17:03

Currently in the similar situation. Very similar .

I am going to see my GP first, because he has known me for the longest time, is highly trained ( internist), and if he does not suspect anything bad, that will hopefully calm me. I certainly do not want to undergo neurological tests if my doctor thinks there is no valid reason.I had two years ago Brain MRI and then both EMG/ Nerve Conduction Study test and was clearly diagnosed by neurologist with carpal tunnel in both arms. Carpal tunnel however, does not cause twitching, but uncontrolled fear and anxiety do. So... that is my story. Hope you get much better soon ( and me too).

15-09-21, 17:08
i have carpel tunnel too. That was HA about 10 years ago when my hands started to tingle, i was convinced i had MS.

Is your twitching all over?

My GP mentioned me seeing a GI specialist possibly because i have an iron deficiency. But my thoughts are consumed by twitching

15-09-21, 17:29
I had full blood/metabolic panel in March, so thank God ( do not want to jinx it), all were normal ( so obviously no iron deficiency). What happened to me is that my lower eyelid started twitching about 7, 8 days ago. It happened to all of us, right? But since my did not stop by day three, I was getting myself all worked up about it , and then twitching all over started (legs, arms, even some strange feeling around my nose, believe it or not). So it happened that I already had an eye doctor appointment, which happened on Monday, and he told me that eye and eyelid twitching actually often happen to people, and people come to see him for that reason only. He said that is completely benign,and harmless, and sometimes, for whatever reason, can last month or more! Of course, he did not want to talk about my random body twitching which I completely understand. I tend to believe that I whipped myself into frenzy over continuous eyelid twitching, and that is why I started to twitch elsewhere. But, I can only calm down if my doctor tells me so. I am just trying to talk some reason into myself, and I am praying that is what had happened. But still, I am very scared if I start thinking about it, ruminating. My other hope is that in September 2019, when I had EMG/Nerve study, the neurologist would know if something other than carpal tunnel was going on. BTW, my carpal tunnel has been on and off with me much, much longer ( more than ten years), it is only that the tests were done 2 years ago.

15-09-21, 17:32
I think we are going through something very similar. i feel for you

15-09-21, 17:36
Are you generally anxious, OCD , do you have health anxiety ? BTW, you can PM me, if you wish.

15-09-21, 17:46
just sent you a PM