View Full Version : Over analysing how I feel

16-09-21, 08:05
Hey I'm not really sure what category this fits in with. But I've realised that I am panicking when I don't feel right. Not physically but mentally. If I feel very happy I get anxious I'm manic which is a sign of bipolar. I woke up this morning in the middle of a deep dream and started getting ready for work. I obviously wasn't awake properly and I felt "off" just nothing felt right. Then I start getting anxious thinking why do I feel like this, what have I done to feel like this. I start over analysing what I have done to feel like this , which makes me feel worse because I'm anxious. I start catastrophising thinking that's it I'm really losing it, I'm not going to be able to go to work, maybe this is what an anxiety attack feels like? Once I was more awake I felt fine but at that moment it was pure anxiety . I'm like this all the time. Over thinking every time I don't feel "right"
Not sure what to do really :(

16-09-21, 08:18
I've been over thinking shit since 1970. :yesyes:

16-09-21, 08:32
It's getting me down :( it's not a nice feeling to constantly doubt how I feel and think. I would love to sit with a physiatrist and ask why do I think this..why do I feel this . What does this mean.. that's seeking reassurance I suppose. I want someone to tell me I'm ok that's there's nothing wrong with me I'm not going to go insane at any moment and lose control :(

16-09-21, 08:34
It's getting me down :( it's not a nice feeling to constantly doubt how I feel and think. I would love to sit with a physiatrist and ask why do I think this..why do I feel this . What does this mean.. that's seeking reassurance I suppose. I want someone to tell me I'm ok that's there's nothing wrong with me I'm not going to go insane at any moment and lose control :(

I know mate. I'm not trying to belittle how you feel. I know how crap it can be to have a mind that never stops..

You're as sane as I am...:scared15:

16-09-21, 08:48
Oh I didn't think you was belittling how I feel.
I don't know what to do to help. I have been on medication a long time and don't want to go up in dose. What they say will help with anxiety.. Resting , taking it easy seems to not help. Too much time to think. I feel better at work when I'm busy. Eating healthy... finding that hard as I feel comfort from eating chocolate but then I just feel guilty and bad for putting weight on. excercise.. I'm finding it hard to get the motivation to go to the gym on my day off would rather lay in bed watching tv.. sorry to rant I'm just going through a hard time and cant seem to dig myself out.

16-09-21, 18:00
This might sound daft, but I seem to spend quite a bit of time reassuring myself at the moment. I'm not brilliant at it yet and I still find it incredibly helpful posting on here.

I have this thing I do where if I'm feeling a wobbly or worried about something I ask myself what would I say to a friend if they were feeling like I am right now. Then I tell myself it.

With me I think a lot of it boils down to not having a lot of confidence in my ability to cope or my own mental state. I'm working on it!

With regards to the gym on your day off, I find it helpful to get up and do something pretty much straight away. You could always get up, go to gym come back home and treat yourself to an hour on the bed with a treat?

NoraB - I quite like the idea of getting a t-shirt which says 'Overthinking since '67'.

17-09-21, 07:59
NoraB - I quite like the idea of getting a t-shirt which says 'Overthinking since '67'.

Put it this way..

If overthinking was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medal winner! :yesyes:

17-09-21, 08:56
Oh to be an Underthinker....

17-09-21, 09:02
Put it this way..

If overthinking was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medal winner! :yesyes:

Ok I'll give you that one, but I believe I may get gold in the flatulence competition. I tried to claim last night that I was creating atmosphere for a scene on a programme we were watching where a man fell asleep on a toilet. Even the dog left the room.

17-09-21, 09:04
Oh to be an Underthinker....

Aspiring underthinker since '67.

I really think I should do a range of t-shirts. Off to google if they do them already....

17-09-21, 09:10
There's a t-shirt on etsy that says 'Hang on let me overthink this', might put it on my Christmas list.

17-09-21, 09:21
If it helps, I do exactly the same.

Even if I’m feeling OK for an hour, I read into that and turn it into anxiety. Think it’s just the cycle.

17-09-21, 11:47
Oh to be an Underthinker....
I’m so jealous of them people. Damn them. 🤣

17-09-21, 14:16
At the risk of being called a sexist I suspect many underthinkers will not be female...

17-09-21, 16:12
At the risk of being called a sexist I suspect many underthinkers will not be female...
I suspect you are right.

Don’t anxiety disorders disproportionately affect women?

19-09-21, 13:20
I'm glad you can all find humour in it , i wish I could . At the moment it's just frustrating me and making me depressed. I'd rather sleep and hide away then I can't think. I find it hard dealing with changes in mood depending on the level on anxiety too

19-09-21, 14:24
I think we try and laugh about it as part of our way of dealing with it.

I know it's a horrible feeling and I'm having a few days of overthinking myself. I'm just trying to keep myself busy and distract myself and do all the things that make me feel a little better including guided meditation, taking the dog out.

19-09-21, 15:00
There's a t-shirt on etsy that says 'Hang on let me overthink this', might put it on my Christmas list.

Along with a nice deluxe box of Roses, Milk Tray or Quality Street.

19-09-21, 15:03
I think overanalyzing how we feel is something that all of us have. Otherwise HA would be no big deal - you experience a symptom and you let it go. The problem with HA is we experience something and then have to analyze the “why am I feeling this way” and the “what if this happens” and the “what can I do about it” type feelings. We have all been there probably way too many times to count.

For me the trick has been changing the thought process. Try to find the positives to focus on rather than the negatives. And agree with Catkins, distraction is huge. Find something else to do and you’ll notice the symptoms fading into the background.

20-09-21, 07:20
I'm glad you can all find humour in it , i wish I could . At the moment it's just frustrating me and making me depressed. I'd rather sleep and hide away then I can't think. I find it hard dealing with changes in mood depending on the level on anxiety too

I'd be 6 foot under if I didn't have my sense of humour...

...and I'd be overthinking that too! :scared15:

20-09-21, 08:01
I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have a sense of humour either...It's a hugely useful way to lessen anxiety and it's free!

20-09-21, 08:26
I'm glad you can all find humour in it
I can’t most of the time, but I try to.
I’m trying to hold it a bit lighter.

No one is pretending that it’s easy.

09-10-21, 15:18
I’m finding that the more I get out of the thought loop, and the thoughts lessen, I get hit with the panic attacks and high anxiety instead, is that normal? Can the constant thinking suppress the anxiety in some way does anyone know?

09-10-21, 16:12
Distracting yourself when you're anxious is a good tool. Reading/watching a program you're interested in/doing gardening/puzzles/work, something that focuses your mind on something else.

Sometimes it's easier to do than others, but worth persevering with.

But you know this PHR.

09-10-21, 16:33
Yeah, that’s what I’ve done to be fair.
I just meant that when I had the constant thoughts, it almost suppressed the panic attacks, but I was wrapped up in thoughts / monitoring all day. When I manage to stop doing the ruminating / thinking, I get hit with panic attacks instead. Just wondered if that made sense to anyone.

09-10-21, 21:35
Yes understand. Sometimes they happen with no trigger.

10-10-21, 09:53
That’s the confusing one for me.
Really shook me yesterday, and I have a day rattling round on my own today which I’m not looking forward to.