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View Full Version : Weird Symptomns

19-09-21, 21:26
These symptomns are hard to explain but here goes.
I do suffer with Gerd, & PND, I take Lanzoprazole every morning, and Amytrypt 20mg at night , these are for migraines, though now they are mainly visual only.
Last week I was on holiday, and started a run of visual migraines, a friend suggested I massage the acupressure points around my jaw joint, I did this several times, all good.
The next night I woke up with tremendous earache in left ear, which was the one I had worked on more, this gradually got worse and spread down to my neck and just below my clavicle, I also felt nauseous, and after being sick, I was able to sleep, next morning it was slightly better, but found that it really started to ache when I walked and eased off on sitting, it then over the evening got much more painful and I was worried that it was my heart as jaw pain came into play as well.
I went to the local A&E, where they did an ECG, BP, temp etc, and all was fine, Doc gave me Codeine in case the pain returned.
I now find that it is when walking that the pain comes back, and sometimes can be relieved with belching,, us I have noticed that I am clenching my jaw a lot, hadn't noticed that I did this but am now very aware that I do it a lot.
The strange thing is that since this started I have not noticed my arthritic painful knee so is this all in the mind, or is it down to TMJ, would that even effect my shoulders, I am at a loss, any insight or help gratefully accepted.
Thank you.