View Full Version : Tight throat muscles under chin all of a sudden why?

20-09-21, 19:46
Not sure what I have done but after I had finished some work on the laptop, suddenly have a tight 'bruised' feeling under my chin and across top of windpipe. Shoulders and back of neck also feel tight.

When I raise my head up and stretch chin up or stretch neck to the right or left and then swallow the bruised sensation is gone, but when I lower chin back down to normal position and swallow I can feel tightness and bruised feeling across windpipe again - almost as if there is a knot there. Trying to relax jaw to see if it reduces the pulling feeling but to no avail. There's no obvious swelling or anything.

Anyone experienced this or can offer any advice?

22-09-21, 21:22
I get so many neck and throat symptoms with my anxiety. Tense muscles can make everything feel so sore . Constantly looking down at my phone doesn't help, either, and resting my chin on my hand doesnt help. I have a tendency to tighten my neck muscles without realizing and then ameft all sore.

Now, if I am going to be using my phone or computer for a long time I set a regular timer to go off so I can do some gentle neck stretches to stop me from being too stiff. That has really helped!