View Full Version : panick attack symptoms - does anyone else get this one?

15-11-07, 15:41
Hi All,

I'm fairly new to this site and i suffer with panick attacks and anxiety.

One of the first things to happen when i start to panick is I get this feeling of pressure across the bridge of my nose and tingling in my upper gum. Then i start to feel a sense of detachment from where i am.

Does anyone else get any of this? Please put me at ease and tell me i'm normaly abnormal if that makes sense.



15-11-07, 21:51

Yes, I get a tightness over my brow and a soreness on my tongue, a flushed feeling as if I have a fever. In fact almost every symptom.

I am sure what you are experiencing is similar tighning of the muscles in the face and forehead. It is good that you can tune in to these symptoms when having a panic attack as my first responce is to escape the situation even though I try to resist.

Take care, we are all experiencing this together.


16-11-07, 18:59
I get a rush of pins/needles all round my body (the nerves i spose) n my heart pulpatates....... (just had an attack)

Just wonderin if any1 else gets this to?

Thank u

16-11-07, 20:00
Now that you mention it, Cassi, I think a tightening sensation across my cheekbones and temples is one of the feelings I get. Otherwise my main symptom is a 'squirty' tummy!

17-11-07, 10:10
Hi Cassi.If you read symptoms on the left of the page you will learn more about these strange symptoms.
I had all of these sensations(i used to think i was hooked up to the electricity supply) ... its all caused by anxiety.I'm not an expert but as long as your doc has given you the all clear then just ignore the strange feelings.They will dissapear with time.

Good luck x