View Full Version : Just Discovered CJD and Prions - Very Worried

22-09-21, 01:47
Ive been having horrible panic attacks and depression that seemed to come out of nowhere a couple weeks ago.

Now yesterday I discovered CJD (human mad cow disease) and I know it's a 1 in a million chance of getting it but my symptoms keep getting worse.

I have severe panic to the point I cry, I liked away from friends and doing what I love. I have visual snow that keeps getting worse. Weird muscle twitches in my fingers and my mouth, like my teeth are shaking. Burning sensations on my arms.

And now today I got dizzy, and feel like I'm having trouble swallowing. And when I woke up my feet were numb for an hour.

I'm absolutely terrified, I don't want to die.

22-09-21, 01:59
Are you getting any help for your anxiety?


22-09-21, 03:10
Yes. Went to a mental health facility for a few days, seeing a therapist and learning cbt, and I'm just over 3 weeks in on Prozac

22-09-21, 13:38
It sounds like anxiety and nothing sinister but work on what they are telling you in therapy.

22-09-21, 14:33
You're also dealing with starting meds which can ramp up your anxiety until your body and mind acclimate. Good on you for starting therapy. Best to stay off Dr. Google as well ;)