View Full Version : Perceived Weakness in right hand

22-09-21, 09:28
Hi All, I took my vaccine 2nd dose after much reluctance in July in right hand.
Then one day my attention suddenly went to my right hand all of a sudden and I have been obsessing about it being feeling weak ever since. I am unable to type on laptop as it feels like my hand is sluggish/weak. It is absolutely fine when I wake up and do other chores. Its fine during weekend when I am not on laptop. I have tried changing the chair/table alignment and all other ergonomic settings:(
This also happens when I get any stressful news my right and sometimes right leg becomes weak and sluggish to an extent that it causes get panic attack.
Has anyone experienced this weird issue? What should I do to shift my focus?
Or do I need to actually visit a Dr?

23-09-21, 05:29
I have periods of time when my body parts feel weak, sluggish, and won’t move sometimes when I want them to. I’ve found that when I am consistent in exercising, I don’t have these issues. If nothing else, exercising reminds me that my body can still move.

Anxiety causes me to hold my muscles tight and then they spasm and cramp. I think that is a big part of what happens to me. Exercise helps relieve that muscle tension.

I did go to a doctor for my hands. I told him that there were times when my hands wouldn’t move on my first try. (I was also having a lot of pain in my forearms, wrists, and hands.) He diagnosed me with carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome. He said it could also be a pinched nerve in my neck. I’ve been doing physical therapy and things are much better.

So, going to a doctor might help too.

Good luck to you!!!

23-09-21, 13:24
So, going to a doctor might help too.

I disagree. Paid reassurance is just a way to drain your bank account and doesn't work as evidenced many times on this forum.


23-09-21, 16:49
I have health anxiety, so my judgment in these matters is inherently flawed. Thanks for your input Fishman.

24-09-21, 13:28
Thanks Debbie and Fishmanpa.

I do understand paid reassurance is what I would end up at.
What should one do? I am aware I have health anxiety but everyday there is a news of young people dying of heart attack, stroke and what not.
How would you be sure what you are experiencing is anxiety and not the actual one? What if “This” is real? What if it becomes like a man who cried wolf?
Is it that I am overthinking because of health anxiety or People who don’t worrry like me are the ones who just want to close their eyes to possibility of it happening?
I went to a psychiatrist couple of years ago who very rudely just said there is no cure and I have to be on medicine for the rest of my life.
I am not ready to do that or I wasn’t prepared to hear that.
Has anyone overcome health anxiety?
Can anyone guide me?

24-09-21, 18:05
Dear Sia,
Part of what I am trying to learn in therapy is to accept that I can (and will) make wrong decisions in life. So, we may make the wrong call about our symptoms. We may even die from making the wrong call. It is so scary for me to think that way, but it’s part of this human experience. We make the best judgment call we can and then move forward.

I know people who have overcome health anxiety. I definitely think it’s possible. I think, though, that I will struggle with this my whole life. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for almost 40 years. I am seriously messed up psychologically. I have had several therapists tell me that my scars run too deep to be cured. Acceptance and living the best life I can are more realistic outcomes for me than being cured.

So, what I’m trying to do (not always very successfully) is live life even though I’m scared and anxious most of the time. I force myself to shower every day and to do kind things for other people. My son and his family have been visiting me. I forced myself to go hold and play with my 5 month old grand baby and practiced living in the moment. I forced myself to eat with everyone at the dining table even though my inclination was to hide in my room. And, this past week I’ve forced myself to drive everyday so I don’t become too fearful to do that. (I worry about vision loss, having a stroke, etc. while I’m driving. )

Maybe this is as good as it gets for me? I don’t know. I do know that if I do have to suffer with anxiety, ptsd, and depression my whole life, I still want to be the best person I can be.

Sending love!!!
~ Debbie