View Full Version : Chest infection and throat SERIOUS

22-09-21, 23:41
So I’ve come back from the A&E after I went to due to wheezing and I felt as though I couldn’t breathe. I also had a fever and felt unwell. I already had a flu 2 weeks before with similar symptoms but this time I had sinus issues and it was a problem for 2 days along with a very bad chesty cough and wheezing.
I had my tests done
No Covid
Nothing serious either I’m starting a chest infection or just ending one I was told.
I was told Its unlikely have pneumonia despite when I got home whenever I cough (as I have been non stop coughing for hours)
My throat keeps making this bubbling gurgling sound which is very uncomfortable and when I searched what it was google said it’s something called bibasilar crackles which is caused by pneumonia I also have sharp chest pains now.
I don’t know what to do cause I just came back from the A&E

22-09-21, 23:57
I literally have all the symptoms of pneumonia
I’m so cold and shivering as well right now

23-09-21, 02:34
I’m assuming they listened to your lungs while at A&E? It’s pretty easy for them to hear pneumonia in the lungs. I get bronchitis all the time that causes wheezing and weird gurgling noises in my throat and upper chest. Also get chest pains from strained muscles because of all the hacking and coughing. Have you taken your temperature? Assuming they also did that at A&E

23-09-21, 03:10
Yeah i got my temperature taken and it was high but they said it should go down but for the past couple of hours after leaving the hospital, when I breathe or move I get deep and very sharp chest pain it’s so horrible I could cry

23-09-21, 03:10
And when I drink or swallow my throat feels very cushiony

23-09-21, 04:50
I'm sorry, Delilah, that sounds so horrible!

Keep an eye on it, but trust the A&E people for now.

23-09-21, 16:26
Yeah I’ve been prescribed antibiotics by my gp and he checked the records and said I should deffo be on them I took one and it’s amoxicillin.
My mum bought me some orange juice is it okay to drink whilst during the treatment?

23-09-21, 22:23
I have been taking 500mg amoxicillin every 4 hours with 3 tablets a day, not knowing I was actually supposed to take it 8 hours a day.
I’m so scared is this dangerous?

23-09-21, 22:28
I don’t see why not. I have loads of times. I think most antibiotics say avoid grapefruit juice but I’ve always done orange juice regardless of any meds I might be on.

24-09-21, 04:51
NHS website recommends speaking to a medical professional just in case, that's probably a good idea to be on the safe side.

24-09-21, 09:08
Hi iris my doctor said it doesn’t matter as long as I’m taking it throughout the day that’s fine. But I’m still gonna space it out every 8 hours

24-09-21, 09:45
Awwhh that’s alright then. I’ve just seen some websites say to avoid citrus juices as it may cut the effectiveness by half.

24-09-21, 09:52

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11-11-21, 20:07
I think the cold going about is awful - I am into week 4 which gp says is not a surprise at moment - I had a real continuous dry cough now left with irritating mucus in throat causing a chest sound cough a lot - I have lupus and on oral steroids for past 4 months so figure it is taking it’s time being fought off 😩 have avoided covid this far luckily - and I do consider myself lucky with working in a secondary school and being on high dose prednisolone and my son has just recovered from so left him shut in bedroom for past 10 days 😊

25-11-21, 11:19
I think the cold going about is awful - I am into week 4 which gp says is not a surprise at moment - I had a real continuous dry cough now left with irritating mucus in throat causing a chest sound cough a lot - I have lupus and on oral steroids for past 4 months so figure it is taking it’s time being fought off 😩 have avoided covid this far luckily - and I do consider myself lucky with working in a secondary school and being on high dose prednisolone and my son has just recovered from so left him shut in bedroom for past 10 days 😊

Hi, sorry for the late reply i havent been on the site in a while. Yes there is a horrible cold going on and me and my family have gotten it numerous times as well as many people i know. Im glad to know your son is recovering nicely :) what is having lupus like? I know it’s different for lots of people on a individual experience but what kind of symptoms do you have if you dont mind me asking?

Oh and btw, if you do somehow manage to get sick again as have i and my family you should purchase organic black seed oil cold pressed if you havent already heard of it. You take one tablespoon in the morning and one at night it works WONDERS for viruses as it is a natural antiviral, antiseptic, antibiotic and strengthens your immune system. The benefits are never ending and if you have the time, you should definitely google the properties it has. I hope you feel better soon! :)