View Full Version : At wits end please help

23-09-21, 07:30
My nose will not breath properly in the night whilst trying to get to sleep. It feels like someone has put a peg on my nose and said right off you go to sleep. Im not a open mouth breather at night so that doesnt feel good to me.

Ive been to the docs several times about this and they just keep suggesting different nasal sprays that dont seem to make much difference steriod sprays included. Ive tried over thr counter hayfever medicines and sal****er sprays. Ive tried sleeping with the window open for fresh air and bought air puridying plants for my room still NOTHING IS WORKING!

Does ANYBODY have any ideas cause i dont want to keep feeling like im gasping for air when i wake up.

23-09-21, 07:31
Why has it starred out the word water in sal****er?

23-09-21, 07:38
Because those letters technically form a rude word, like twit but with an a.

Sorry I can't offer any help with your other problem.

23-09-21, 07:54
My nose will not breath properly in the night whilst trying to get to sleep. It feels like someone has put a peg on my nose and said right off you go to sleep. Im not a open mouth breather at night so that doesnt feel good to me.

Ive been to the docs several times about this and they just keep suggesting different nasal sprays that dont seem to make much difference steriod sprays included. Ive tried over thr counter hayfever medicines and sal****er sprays. Ive tried sleeping with the window open for fresh air and bought air puridying plants for my room still NOTHING IS WORKING!

Does ANYBODY have any ideas cause i dont want to keep feeling like im gasping for air when i wake up.

The windows being open might be the issue if you have hayfever?

You can massage your sinuses. Loads of videos on YouTube for this. That will help.

Try not to have milk or dairy (anytime, but especially before bed)

Don't sleep flat, prop yourself up on pillows so your tubes can drain..

23-09-21, 08:00
Thanks for replying. Shall take a look. I dont like milk so at least we can rule that out.

23-09-21, 08:42
I got similar when I moved to Sweden where the air is much drier than the UK, my nose was dry, scabby & blocked especially in winter. Got used to it now but the ENT I saw about something else told me I have 1 nostril slightly smaller than the other which is common (+ have broken my nose 3 times too, ex-rugby player :)), balms helped with dryness but I also started using those Breathe Right nose strips at night, they pull your nostrils up & out, maybe worth a try.
Also used salt water rinse to clear out anything that might irritate my nostrils, these 2 things along with only nose breathing have helped a lot.