View Full Version : Having an awful week……..

23-09-21, 12:36
Hi Guys

As the title says I’m not having a good time right now

It seems I haven’t been having many good days for a while but this week is particularly bad

After quite a few months of leaving my doctor alone I had to contact her yesterday because I thought maybe I had bowel cancer after 2 loose bowel movements

She was lovely as always and reassured me that I had nothing to worry about at this stage it was probably my ibs or something I ate and to let her know if I was still worried about my bowels after 4 weeks

I have had 3 people I know recently been diagnosed with it and that’s probably what’s been playing on my mind…so after talking to my doc at 9.50am yday morning I had quite a good day I went to my slimming world group I gained 1.5lb wasn’t sure why but I thought least I haven’t lost weight another sign of BC 🙄 what is wrong with me?

So my doc thinks it’s a ibs flare up that’s good I’ll take that over BC anyway today my stomach feel a lot better I haven’t been toilet I did yesterday and it was normal so very relieved

Today I am aching legs feel like jelly when I get up keep feeling like my hands feel numb they are slightly cold to touch I’ve had 2 near miss panic attacks this morning I can feel my heart beating when I’m sitting still like a tiny momentary jerk of the body

I feel drained arms ache which makes me panic because of my heart fear just feel really fed up I’ve got to go work tomorrow 12pm-8pm keep worrying I can’t be ill no one will be able to close the dept down makes me feel more ill

I guess this could be a fibro flare up I have taken paras they did absolutely nothing to help

I spoke to my husband and grown up kids about how I was feeling with my bowels and that but now I’ve spoke to my doctor they think I’m fine and it’s not that simple I understand they must get fed up but they ask and ask what’s wrong I never offer the info then they act like 🙄 what again? When I tell them I know it must be frustrating for them but it’s not a carnival being me

Had my councelling yday and we spoke only about this Heath anxiety which is all I need help with I don’t feel like my childhood and family issues are what bothers me but happy to talk about whatever as long as it goes to help me manage this

Sorry for the long post I would love to hear from anyone with any thoughts or if they do or have ever felt the same and also if you got better from it

Thanks everyone x

23-09-21, 12:51
You know this already, but it’s a very illogical thought to jump to bowel cancer fears after only TWO loose stools. Especially when you have diagnosed IBS. I have a loose stool at least once a week - BC never crosses my mind. Our bodies react to things we eat. This is totally normal, and your body is doing what it is supposed to do.

23-09-21, 13:04
You know this already, but it’s a very illogical thought to jump to bowel cancer fears after only TWO loose stools. Especially when you have diagnosed IBS. I have a loose stool at least once a week - BC never crosses my mind. Our bodies react to things we eat. This is totally normal, and your body is doing what it is supposed to do.


You’re right I absolutely do know and it makes me so angry either myself that when in this situation the illogical side of my brain always wins

The harder I try to fight it the more ill I feel and that little voice is ready and waiting to say “told you it was serious this time” sounds stupid I know

My body is doing what it should I really hope it continues to

Thanks for replying it really helps x

23-09-21, 22:30
It’s not at all stupid. It’s part of the HA reaction and one that anyone with HA has said to themselves many times. It’s the “what if it’s real this time”. The trick is learning to combat those thoughts.

In your case you’ve been checked by a doc and they’ve told you it’s fine, and normal. I know it’s hard, but really try to focus on believing what they’ve told you.

24-09-21, 18:32
Hi Scared,
First, I have IBS. I had loose stools and stomach pain for a year. And guess what? I eventually had a plain old X-ray and my doc said I was constipated. I now take Miralax daily and most definitely have loose stools every single day.

Second, I have five grown children. I experience the same issues you do. It really hurts. I don’t know if it’s a part of this generation or what, but my kids are often very self absorbed. They want me to help them, but they don’t necessarily want to reciprocate. They also don’t understand health anxiety at all. They don’t want to hear about my worries or comfort me when I’m upset. Yet, they often expect me to be there for them when life gets hard.

I don’t have a solution or even any ideas. I just thought it may help you to know I’m having a similar experience.

Take care,