View Full Version : Anyone have thoughts like these

15-11-07, 17:55
Hi eveyone, hope you are all ok.

I have felt alot better for the last few weeks, but each day this week i have found myself getting more and more anxious.

Went to the doctors on Tuesday to check out a rough patch of tiny spots i have in my mouth on the cheeks by my lower gums, doctor checked them out and said they were nothing to worry about after research i think these are called fordyce granules. But still been worrying im 27 years old and my main worry is mouth cancer, i do smoke and i know i shouldnt (think this is just adding to my anxiety). Now i am constantly checking my mouth and feeling my neck for anything abnormal. I am going to the dentist this weekend for a check up.

Hoping once i have had a check up i can put this out of my mind.

15-11-07, 21:28
Hi Jason

I would have faith in your GP hun, im sure if he thought it was anything serious he would have looked into it futhur.:hugs:
I can understand what you mean though, i had tonsillitus a couple of weeks ago, saw white spots at the back of my mouth and thought the worst too:ohmy: (im a smoker too)But its all cleared up and im sure yours will too.

This anxiety thing sure does play with our mind dosnt it?

Hope you go on ok at the dentist also to put your mind at ease.:hugs:

Love and hugs