View Full Version : Visual disturbances and worried about brain tumor.

27-09-21, 14:43
Hello! This is my first ever post on here, so bare with me. Just a little bit about myself, my name is Ashley and I am 23 years old. I have been suffering from Health anxiety, and GAD since I was about 12-13 years old. My health anxiety was controlled for awhile, but this past week it has come back with a vengeance. it all started with visual disturbances. I have had flickers, flashes, floaters, you name it, I have experienced it this week. I also have been experiencing like a shaky shimmering in my peripheral vision. I have thoroughly convinced myself it is a brain tumor. I have some other symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and tingling. Every time I try to calm down and convince myself it’s probably my anxiety, I get anxious and think what if it isn’t I have thought about going to the hospital a few times, just to see if there is anything wrong, but with Covid, I am nervous. I guess I’m just posting to vent and see if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

28-09-21, 17:01
Hi Ashley,
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I too have a hard time deciding when my anxiety symptoms are something else. It can get really discouraging.

I regularly get all the symptoms you have. Vision issues are my biggest issue at the moment. It’s hard to distract yourself from them.

You are young, and I don’t think you need to worry about the eye issues someone my age can get. Still, it might be worth a trip to the eye doctor to make sure all is well. My eyes are perfectly healthy (well, I do have slight cataracts) and I have all your same issues. I think you’re just experiencing anxiety. Nevertheless, in my opinion, our vision is too important to chance. I’d make sure my eyes were healthy.

I also get nausea, dizziness, and tingling. These are very common anxiety symptoms too.

I hope you feel better soon.

30-09-21, 20:11
HI Ashley,
all of your symptoms seem like anxiety to me.But to put your mind at rest visit your optician [eye doctor] anything you need to know they should know about your worry.
Best wishes Ashley.