View Full Version : Lumpy things in stomach, one is much larger than the rest

01-10-21, 13:02
My stomach was a little bit sore so I felt around a small bit, which I know now I shouldn't have done.
It's the part just below my ribs, I can feel some lumps and bumps in there. But of course there's one bigger than the rest of them. It doesn't feel very hard or solid but any lump sends me into a spiral.
Are these lumpy things normal in the stomach? What are they?
It's not far below the surface of my skin I'd say judging by the way I can feel it.
Has anyone else noticed lumpy things like this in their stomach? The big one I can feel is about the size of a pea at the most

01-10-21, 14:23
The big one I can feel is about the size of a pea at the most

Never knew a pea was big :huh:


01-10-21, 14:50
Something half the size of a pea could be considered big - it all depends what you're talking about.
To me this lump is big because I'm comparing it to everything else I can feel around it.
So I'm still wondering ( and worrying) what it is I am feeling in there. Is it normal to have one that sticks out a lot more than the rest?