View Full Version : Going through the motions and I’m anxious

01-10-21, 22:53
A few months back while itching my leg I came across a small hard lump about an inch or so below me knee on top of the bone. I honestly didn’t worry much about it, I figured I would wait and see if it went away on its own as things were really bad with COVID and I didn’t want to go into the doctors office unless I had to.
A couple weeks back while shaving I notice the lump is still there, it’s grew in size, it’s hard like bone and doesn’t move. I called for an appointment to get it checked out which I had on Wednesday and when I left my appointment I was an anxious mess. My doctor felt it, said it was really hard and felt like it was either in or on my bone (on paper he called it a bone mass). He said he would order an X-RAY which I had later that same afternoon, a nuclear medicine triple phase bone scan and said maybe will need to do a biopsy. He gave me my orders and a follow up for 2 weeks.
Out of all the radiology places near me only two do nuclear medicine and they unfortunately don’t accept my insurance and so I had to schedule to have it done at the hospital. The first available they had was October 7th.

So, basically I’m now struggling anxiety wise because of course my mind goes to the worst possible outcome. I mean it gets seared in your brain, hard lumps that don’t move equal bad news. I don’t know how I’m going get myself through this without losing my mind.

02-10-21, 17:56
Keep busy, do all the things you can to distract yourself and you can get through it.

There is no guarantee that this is anything serious, try and keep that to the forefront of your mind.

03-10-21, 01:15
Right, my rational self knows that but…….

I have been trying to distract myself, it’s usually my go thing to in times like this but doesn’t seem to be working.

03-10-21, 01:16
Why did you delete your previous thread about this?


03-10-21, 03:41
Why did you delete your previous thread about this?


I went to edit a mistake and deleted the post by mistake, there were no responses on it though and so no harm done?

06-10-21, 12:42
I have my bone scan 2marro morning at 8am and I’m not looking forward to the extra anxiety waiting on the results is gonna bring.
I have been mostly okay the last few days. My anxiety was really bad for the first couple days after my appointment and so I am thankful that I was able to get it somewhat under control,

06-10-21, 16:47
That's really good that you got the anxiety under control. Sending positive thoughts for tomorrow.

07-10-21, 17:10
I went and had the first two parts of the scan this morning and I go back in 30 minutes for the final part. I’m extremely anxious today of course because I’m worried about what the scan is going to show.

07-10-21, 17:45
More than likely it will be fine. Keep doing all your relaxation stuff and keep distracting yourself/keeping busy.

16-10-21, 22:43
Careful1, did you ever get your results?

21-10-21, 04:45
Careful1, did you ever get your results?

I did 😊 the X-RAY mentioned mild thickening in the tibia which is where the lump is but unremarkable otherwise and the triple phase bone scan said there was no scientific evidence of osteoblastic metastatic disease. He wants me to have an ultrasound done now and so I’m waiting for them to call me to set that up but over all I’m feeling better about the whole situation.

21-10-21, 06:12
That's great news!