View Full Version : I’m going to have to contact my doctor tomorrow…..😞

03-10-21, 19:13
Hi all

Me again!

As the title says I am going to have to contact my doctors tomorrow for 2 reasons

1, that I’m not so worried about my ears have been blocked for a while for some reason my ears don’t get rid of wax and I’ve had to have them syringed a few times…I started using olive oil drops a few days ago as they advise I was laying on my right side yday with drops in my left ear my left is much worse I was laying for the 5 minutes they tell you to and suddenly my hearing in that ear completely went and still isn’t back I am totally deaf I’m my left ear so I need that sorting

2, I’m more worried about and what worries me the most is I can’t explain it properly I keep getting like stomach bubbles right at the top of my stomach just under my breasts…it feels like air is just sitting there makes me feel like I need to catch my breath but doesn’t at the same time if that makes sense I don’t get breathless…sometimes it’s worse before a bowel movement sometimes after sometimes after a bowel Movement it goes all together sometimes not…I feel like it’s worse when I bend down I also get an immediate scared feeling in my chest after it I don’t know if that is anxiety..sometimes I also get a small head rush maybe that’s anxiety too I used to get like a thud and then an immediate stomach drop feeling it’s a little bit like that but different at the same time

I’m scared that since I can’t articulate it very well I will be sent for tests my biggest fear I don’t know how I will cope

Everything else I normally get feels like it’s all connected to this thing I imagine growing in my stomach

I do have ibs could it be that? It feels gassy whatever it is could cancer feel like that?

I’m so scared thanks guys x

04-10-21, 07:16
You’re not alone! I’ve been getting this… and every small thing points me to the worse…

I just had a gastroscopy done in april but my head points me to things like ‘oh what if this period of time it came?’

Kinda thing. But it will go… its tough to endure but it will go..

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04-10-21, 07:17
I do have ibs could it be that?

Gas is one of the most common symptoms with IBS. I had an ultrasound scan last year and they saw a lot of gas in there!

Try and be mindful of the foods you're eating as some cause more gas than others, so do some research! Being proactive and helping yourself is a far better use of your time than scaring yourself silly - which will only produce more gas and other IBS symptoms..

Also, peppermint tea helps with gas...

04-10-21, 09:50
Hi guys

Thanks for replies

My appt is at 10.10 today so I’m leaving shortly I can’t see my reg doc because she’s booked up so I have to see someone I’ve never heard of I’m petrified

I can’t honestly sit here and tell you I will mention my stomach because I’m that scared I hope I do I hope I get a vibe that I can talk to them

I will update after thanks again x

04-10-21, 12:14
Hi guys

Seen doc she was really nice

My ears….I’ve got sodium bicarbonate drops and she’s referred me to the hospital for syringing…

I did tell her about my stomach (yay me!)

She agreed that it was acid and ibs she’s told me to double up my lanzoprozole and take a meberbrevin at lunch time for 2 weeks go back if I still have it

I even told her it makes me feel like I need to catch a breath I also told her I was scared it was a Aortic Aneurysm….(I know!)

She didn’t think it was that she said with the stress I’ve had last couple of weeks it’s just a blip so here’s hoping she’s right

Thanks guys x

04-10-21, 20:50
Thank you for letting us know. I’m glad your appointment went well. ❤️❤️