View Full Version : Twitching and “perceived weakness”

03-10-21, 23:20
I’m currently in the process of fighting my anxiety with ALS. I started having Twitches and unfortunately consulted Dr. Google. ALS was the first thing that popped up and of course I became distressed and became hyper focused on the articles and couldn’t stop reading and then connected what I’m guessing is weakness from anxiety to weakness with ALS.

I then went to my primary care doctor who did a physical exam and what I assume was a strength test as he made me squeeze his fingers, pull and push him forward and backward and madd me lift my legs straight up. He determined I have no clinical weakness, we did blood tests for deficiencies and that came back normal as well. We discussed and he felt it was anxiety and that’s my issue is I want to be referred to a neurologist but I know my doctor would of referred me if he felt I needed it. I’m having trouble coping with that fact and this is obviously not my first time with health anxiety as I’ve thought I’ve had pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer. Had endless tests and even had colonoscopys ans endoscopes because I demanded it basically and always I’m fine and healthy. And I say this stuff to friends and family ans they just say I obviously don’t have said things because it’s just my anxiety and all I can this is, what if THIS time I’m wrong....any advice from others that have gone through this or even ALS anxiety if truly appreciate it.

04-10-21, 11:51
Something very reassuring that always helps me on my bad days where I fear neurological disorders, is reminding myself that diseases like ALS are about failure and NOT a feeling.
The tests they do to measure strength are to show exactly that, the strength and ability for you to perform those tests, and you passed.
That is the proof right there that you do not have ALS.

P.S I know how hard it is to fight that nasty ‘what if’ niggle, try to shove it away, it doesn’t deserve your time.

04-10-21, 11:53
PPS… I wish I could reassure myself as well as I can reassure other people 😬🤣

04-10-21, 11:56
PPS… I wish I could reassure myself as well as I can reassure other people 😬🤣

I appreciate it, my issue is believing that my primary care doctor knows what he’s doing and I believe he does. Just quieting the thoughts that he doesn’t is harder sometimes than accepting the truth for some reason. But I suppose one step at a time

04-10-21, 20:48
Fishmanpa has a great thread all about ALS

04-10-21, 23:05
Fishmanpa has a great thread all about ALS

I’ve read it and it brings me comfort but I worry that my regular primary care doctor that did my strength test is not enough. And that I actually have symptoms and should see a neurologist but that just feeds the anxiety haha so I feel trapped.