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View Full Version : Lower right abdominal pain &lump.

05-10-21, 16:39
Hi, I’ve been experiencing lower right abdominal pain, just to the side of my belly button for about 2 years, it comes and goes and I would say I get it once a month lasting a week, sometimes less, sometimes longer.

It’s like a burning pain, and sometimes a stabbing pain, also when I lay down I get a lump come up in that area and fall back down so it’s not visible, it also happens if I lie on my left.

I’ve had a ultrasound, &blood tests and they all came back fine, about a month ago I finally got referred to gastroenterologist and he sent me to get a small bowel MRI, which I had today and that what brings me here…

so I went in today and had my scan and during I looked up and seen that there was 2 women looking at the screen and one was pointing and talking, which of course has terrified me and I am now spiralling thinking the worst news is to come.

anyone else experienced similar pain?

hoping my results come back clear!