View Full Version : Think I Have Acral Lentiginous Melanoma

06-10-21, 22:05
About two years ago I noticed a mole on my heel that I hadn't seen before, when I looked at an old photo of myself at 18 it was not there, so it was indeed new. This stressed me out, and I got it looked at by a dermatologist. She wasn't convinced either way that it was benign or malignant, so she monitored it for 3 months. At that time she said it had grown a tiny bit and referred me to the public system to have it removed. They too decided to monitor it for three months, and it didn't change at all. They said it looked totally benign to them, and it didn't need to be removed but that I should monitor it. Now it's about a year later, I found the email from the public doctor who measured it at 3mm x 4mm, but I'm measuring it as 3mm x 5mm. I live in New Zealand which is locked down so I'm unable to see a dermatologist or doctor at the moment, public or private. I'm worrying that for the last year this has been spreading through my body and will kill me. I'm so angry because I did the right thing and got it checked out early, but the doctor told me it was benign. Would a benign mole ever grow? I'm freaking out right now. And if it takes another month until I can see a derm to get it removed will that make a big difference?

07-10-21, 02:20
hello!! I too have an acral mole, we can be acral mole worrying buddies! (I am kidding... I hope!)

I used to worry about mine because I actually can't visualize the edges of it very well at all, because foot skin in very thick
But... that's also the thing that reassures me a lot! And, my dermatologist took a look with a dermascope and was completely unimpressed
(has anyone dermascoped yours? It's the magnifying glass thingee they use...)
She also said 20% of people actually have an acral mole, it's not a big deal at all

So honestly, I wouldn't worry as much as you are worrying right now. If you're young and they are monitoring it, I wouldn't be too concerned

Also, and I am quite serious here -- ruler quality (ie, an you trust the measurements printed on it!) has gotten abysmal lately.
It's possible that maybe, maybe, your ruler isn't medical grade!! :roflmao: