View Full Version : Terrified of throat cancer.

07-10-21, 00:34
Hi, I'm experiencing another health phenomenon but this time it is throat cancer. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and the right side of my neck/throat felt sore and the pain was causing an earache along with a mild headache as well, I also experienced very sore muscles in the right side of my neck and shoulder. Two days ago, I woke up with the same throat/neck soreness and it causes an earache each time I swallow, along with my symptoms are hoarseness in my voice, dry cough, mucous, sneezing, and a mild-ache. I'd like to point out that I'm 25 years old and I did drink a little heavenly this year after a few deep personal issues occurred which is causing me to believe that this is the consequence. I did the completely wrong thing of Googling it and although I see that it says very rare for people in my age range, I'm still very scared. It doesn't help that my boss' brother passed away from throat cancer and he isn't convinced that it's what I'm worried about. Any advice?

13-10-21, 17:22
I do not have anything I can offer except my own story. IN 2015 I went crazy about TC. I had an uncle and just assumed I was next. I took a visit to the ENT and had everything scoped etc. as a smoker with horrible reflux it was good I went anyway. It was 2 minutes with a camera up through my nose and down my throat. The test were good which was a relief but the best part was the doctor, she informed me that shes sees hundreds of people every year with the same fear and she has not once diagnosed TC from people with Health Anxiety. She says most people will not feel it, and if there is other symptoms like ear pain or dry nose its most likely a mild virus. She said if I wake up with throat pain take notes and wait 3 days, if the pain gets worse see a physician they can look too, but I may need an antibiotic, if it still persists after 10 days come see her. But she assured me by that time it will be gone and I will have found something else to worry about. So far she has been right and I have only seen her once since then, but only because my tonsil was very inflamed. Im not sure any of this will help, but sometimes its just a relief to know you are not alone.

14-10-21, 00:32
Hi, I'm experiencing another health phenomenon but this time it is throat cancer. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and the right side of my neck/throat felt sore and the pain was causing an earache along with a mild headache as well, I also experienced very sore muscles in the right side of my neck and shoulder. Two days ago, I woke up with the same throat/neck soreness and it causes an earache each time I swallow, along with my symptoms are hoarseness in my voice, dry cough, mucous, sneezing, and a mild-ache. I'd like to point out that I'm 25 years old and I did drink a little heavenly this year after a few deep personal issues occurred which is causing me to believe that this is the consequence. I did the completely wrong thing of Googling it and although I see that it says very rare for people in my age range, I'm still very scared. It doesn't help that my boss' brother passed away from throat cancer and he isn't convinced that it's what I'm worried about. Any advice?

My dad has throat cancer. His only symptom was a persistant horse voice that went on for months.

08-03-22, 10:14
crh371! Tell/ask your ENT ..now what if i have one sided throat issues for 16 months or more..!? never a day no pain! Then what? Also Still health anxiety issues? (probably the same answer if they do not know and want you to relax and not to live in fear. Fact/truth of the matter is, they and we never know for sure! You can have no problem there now but tomorrow it starts. What i just do not get is they never really know. I have this issue for more than 16 months now.. maybe even more and no one knows or can give me any rational explanation. I have PPI for more than 25 yrs..so acid reflux?? naah.. allergies? no one knows... i have hypertrophic lingual tonsils.. WHY? no one knows.. and still they expect us to not be anxious LOL

09-03-22, 08:12
Melcatt, google is not your friend. In 2014 I convinced myself I had tonsil cancer. I also managed to convince my ENT to remove my perfectly healthy tonsils. All because of google. I ended up having an arterial hemorrhage and a second emergency surgery, plus a transfusion. Don't go down the rabbit hole. You are young and you are physically healthy. Try to look after your mental health. Take care, Madeira