View Full Version : Esophageal cancer worry

07-10-21, 03:13
I’m 33 so I know it’s rare. For the past couple months I’ve had a worsening sore throat, increasing hoarse voice, a need to clear my throat, and trouble with things occasionally getting stuck in my throat while swallowing. I used to dip tobacco about ten years ago. I’ve started drinking a little heavier the past couple months. I’ve had untreated reflux for all these years. I feel I’ve ignored things and now it’s come to the worst.

07-10-21, 03:28
Perhaps stop drinking, look into taking a PPI and following the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet?


07-10-21, 08:43
It sounds very much like reflux.

bin tenn
08-10-21, 02:51
It does sound very much like reflux / GERD, and that will only be exacerbated by drinking. I have had all these same symptoms for over a decade. I've never been big on drinking, but I still have to be careful when I decide to have a few, otherwise these symptoms are much more uncomfortable.

10-10-21, 23:28
I started Nexium the day after I post this. I’ve never had the issue with swallowing and the feeling to clear my throat. I just worry all the years of it being untreated have cause irreversible damage. It never bothered me or maybe I just became used to it.

11-10-21, 02:10
I’ve been never really had trouble swallowing. I worry all the years of it being untreated have caused irreversible damage.

12-10-21, 21:52
I agree, it sounds like reflux. If you are very concerned, make an appt with a gastro and they can steer you in the direction of medications and foods that can really help with that.

18-10-21, 02:39
Just following up, I had a physical and yearly checkup/blood test with my doctor this week and brought up my symptoms and concerns. She suspects I could have strictures and is in the process of trying to get me a referral with a Gastro. Though the appointment itself could be months away due to Covid being hard in our area. So I guess we will go from here.