View Full Version : Lower back pain - In danger of major relapse!

08-10-21, 16:15
So hello, its been a while. Nearly two years I think? After a major health anxiety led breakdown in 2019 thinking I had a brain tumour (I didn't) I'm back again with actually what this time is a real problem!

Around May 2019 I started getting pain in my lower back on the right hand side. I think its the area of my SI joint? Anyway, this was during my brain tumour episode so to be honest it took a back seat and I never thought about it too much. Well, long story short this pain has been getting progressively worse now for over two years. I first saw my GP about it in late 2019 and ended up on Naproxen (which did help!) in July 2020 on and off for months. It was causing me to bruise very easily and I actually had some rectal bleeding which my GP put down to the drug so have had to stop that. The pain has been getting increasingly worse so I was sent for a MRI on Sept 11th but warned the backlog means it will be 4-5 weeks before I get a result. Well, 4 weeks later I still havent heard anything and while I was doing ok, suddenly today with the news of the MP sadly dying of lung cancer its set my anxiety off again and even though its been controlled quite well with medication, I can feel myself spiralling into the abyss thats really difficult to get out of. I just keep thinking the result is going to be really bad as the pain is getting worse and I wish I hadn't been fobbed off about it for nearly two years.

I guess I'm here to vent more than anything!

09-10-21, 08:40
Well, 4 weeks later I still havent heard anything and while I was doing ok, suddenly today with the news of the MP sadly dying of lung cancer its set my anxiety off again and even though its been controlled quite well with medication, I can feel myself spiralling into the abyss thats really difficult to get out of. I just keep thinking the result is going to be really bad as the pain is getting worse and I wish I hadn't been fobbed off about it for nearly two years.

Cancer doesn't equal pain.

What are you doing about your health anxiety?

Meds will only deal with the symptoms of anxiety - not the thinking habit that causes them. For this you need psychological therapy and the reason you're spiralling is because you haven't learned how to challenge those thoughts..