View Full Version : Lower back pain

11-10-21, 13:31
Hello everyone,
I am really hoping someone can help me and ease my anxiety. I’m trying hard not to run to the doctor considering I was just there. I have been having a lot of lower back pain. I can’t figure out things that make it worse. It comes and goes and last night was there pretty bad when I woke in the middle of the night. It switches sides. I have tingling in my big toe on my right foot and a little in my hands. I have lost some weight recently but I’m guessing thats due to not eating as much. I’m really worried about a spinal tumor or something (obviously because health anxiety wouldn’t ever let me think I’ve just hurt my back). Sometimes the pain goes into my legs and the top of my tailbone feels sore? I don’t know. Hoping someone has similar experiences. Thank you for letting me rant either way!

25-10-21, 19:25
I have been getting low back pain and leg pain along with twitching in my toes. Like you i've also started getting pins and needles type tingling my hands and feet and a little in other places. I am getting really anxious about it, I too am worried about a spine tumour or ms