View Full Version : Sore Throat/Hoarseness Overnight - COVID Fears

11-10-21, 14:54
Hi. I am currently going through an extended period of health anxiety, exacerbated by bereavement, and the pandemic. The increased isolation during ‘COVID’ times has not helped things either. The Dr has prescribed me a low dose of Sertaline to help me get through this.

This morning I woke up about 4am, with a sore throat and a bit of a hoarse voice. Of course this first thing that entered my mind was ‘I have got COVID.’ I could not sleep for a few hours due to anxiety, but eventually nodded off.

When I woke later in the morning, I was surprised to note that the sore throat and hoarseness had gone. However, given my current anxious mindset, I still have the niggling thought at the back of my mind ‘could that have been the start of COVID symptoms’?

I am trying to rationalise this. Surely it can’t be COVID, as it would not cause a temporary sore throat, that lasted only hours? Also, I have no fever, or other obvious symptoms.

I just found the sore throat odd, and was wondering what caused it. I have problems with snoring, and was wondering if snoring heavily, could have caused this?


11-10-21, 14:58
Could easily be acid reflux. I often wake up with a sore throat.

It won't be COVID, that doesn't just come and go in the space of a couple of hours.

11-10-21, 15:03
Thanks BlueIris. I was speaking to my dad on the phone, and he seems to have had that acid reflux issue at night. He described it as a burning sensation. At this stage I just don’t know, if that is what caused my sore throat however. I know at the back of my ‘rational mind’ that a virus would not start with a burst of 4 hours of symptoms, to then just ‘come and go.’ However, with my current anxious state, the ‘fear thoughts,’ are often winning the day!

11-10-21, 15:08
Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

11-10-21, 15:11
Just the sertaline at present. I have read CBT books, but gave up on them, as my mind wandered off to deal with the daily distractions of life. I need to look the books back out again.

11-10-21, 15:12
You do. In my experience (which is obviously limited to me) it's taken a combination of meds, meditation and CBT techniques to get my anxiety (mostly) under control.

11-10-21, 15:32
Thanks. I was actually making real progress on anxiety last year. I recall even saying I planned to stop the sertaline. However, some ‘major life events’ occurred during the second lockdown, and all my progress was reversed. I need to get back on track.

11-10-21, 15:37
You'll get there; I have faith in you.

11-10-21, 15:55
Thanks! :yesyes::yesyes: