View Full Version : Kidneys, liver, ALS and son's brain mass

11-10-21, 15:27
I am really struggling right now. My son had a benign mass removed from his brain about a year and a half ago. While we are truly thankful it was benign, he is coming up on an MRI follow up and I am anxious, so very anxious. I have had also had some poor blood tests comeback with low kidney and liver function. I am set to have a follow up test to see if the kidney and liver function is still outside the normal range. I am feeling tired, crampy in my legs and nausea. Not sleeping well and could be feeling thirsty or just imagining it. Just to make me a bit more crazy, someone I know who is super fit and in his early 50's, was just diagnosed with ALS. Don't really have a request, just maybe send some positive energy my way.


11-10-21, 15:32
Sending love and positive energy your way. You're tremendously strong - keep us posted!

11-10-21, 16:12
Rough go of it. I get it too. I am having more issues coming at me than I feel I can handle right now. Sometimes it just gets to be a lot, so I would ask you to try and make sure you get some self care in. Watch a movie, or go for a walk, even if you don't feel like it. And there is nothing worse than a sick kid, and those follow up tests have to be nerve wracking, but hang in there.

11-10-21, 17:36
You are having a tough time. As Iofwyr says make time for some self-care. A lot of what you're describing, tiredness, dry mouth, aching, could be related to anxiety and it is not surprising your anxious considering everything that's going on.

Sending you lots of positive thoughts your way.

12-10-21, 01:31
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and/or respond. Take care.