View Full Version : Toes twitching every day for 3 weeks

11-10-21, 20:35
I started getting twitching in my large toe on my right foot 3 weeks ago, it is now in my smaller toes in the same foot, it's been every single day and is getting more and more frequent throughout the day, most of the day to be honest and I feel it in the night. I've also had pain in my legs which can feel almost like burning sharp pain. Has anyone ever had anything like this?

I've been getting severe headaches and head pressure daily and have been more forgetful so worry it's something to do with my brain but I know that is probably silly, my mother had a brain tumour so I do get nervous about it.

Not sure if its something to do with a nerve from my back as I do get low back pain. It's just worrying me as my anxious mind jumps to the worst as we all do when you have health anxiety.

Would love to know if anyones had anything like this, I'll of course talk to my gp but good to hear from others and maybe put my mind at ease a little that I don't have some life long horrific illness *laughs nervously*

11-10-21, 21:44

Welcome to the twitching club! There are very many of us here petrified by twitching, randomly, all over our bodies, and most of , and I am not lying, were told by our doctors that it is severe anxiety caused. The more you focus on it, the worse it gets.
If you search " twitching" you will see how many people, and how scared everyone is with it. Your mother's illness, I am sure, instilled this fear in you, maybe you are even not fully aware of it. It truly is very common with anxiety, and especially health anxiety. Do not get scared, but see your doctor, to feel reassured and better. Maybe you even should not search it on the Forum, it will scare you more, and that you do not need.
Let us know how it goes, and best of health to you.

19-10-21, 23:56
Twitching really give your head a wobble, what on earth can that be a sign of are u going to die No your not ,I suffer from extreme health anxiety but sometimes you've got to get in the real world and yes it can be hard but you need to really think about it and basically say to yourself this is stupid and totally ridiculous because IT IS,
,live your life non of us know what's to come so enjoy now

27-05-23, 18:19
Yes, I’m experiencing the same thing right now and first had it start in perhaps March this year. I worry about it, only from a view that I can’t control it and don’t know what causes it, and mainly whether it will keep me awake at night as I find it irritating, distracting. Most of the time I’m fine though, just every now and then it really gets me! Did you ever get to the bottom of it for yourself?