View Full Version : Hi - new here and worried about my brain

12-10-21, 10:44
Hi - this is the first time I've posted here. I hope it's ok to join.

I've been suffering from health anxiety (and GAD) all of my adult life. In the past I have been able to manage it by visiting my DR and being reassured about whatever symptom I have at that time. Recently this hasn't been helping.

I've had a lot of head and ear pressure/fullness and ended up in A & E last week when my blood pressure was very high. They did blood tests, weakness tests, ECG and a CT scan of my head. All of which I was told were 'normal'.

The head and ear pressure has continued since then (almost 2 weeks) along with some tingling in my face and hands and feet. Last night I woke up after being asleep on my ear and one side of my face had pins and needles, which went as soon as I woke up. That side of my face and ear still feels tender now. I also keep waking up with a start when falling asleep.

My question is, would a CT scan of my head pick up a brain tumour? There's a lot of conflicting advice on google (i know)! And I'm worried that they didn't read the results properly in A & E or the scan missed something. Or just pretended to do the scan to get rid of me (I know this is a ridiculous thought but that's what my mind is doing to me at the moment). I'm so so anxious at the moment. Could the anxiety really cause all these neurological issues? I've been back to my DR since and he's put me on a low dose of beta blockers but I think these are making my anxiety and symptoms worse.

Any advice would be very much appreciated. Would you be reassured by a normal CT scan? I can't go on like this much longer. I'm starting CBT next week in the hope that it helps. The thought of spending the rest of my life feeling like this is no way to live.

Thank you.

12-10-21, 14:06
I would absolutely be reassured by this, and then I would forget about it entirely until my next regularly scheduled dental visit, at which point I would ask my dentist to have a look at my jaw and teeth for signs of clenching/grinding while sleeping.
(because what you're describing, especially the "worse in the morning" part, sounds like it could be TMJ. That is the most probable answer, too.)

Other than that, I would absolutely focus on the CBT and the catastrophizing and "doubt / second guessing". I'm told most "normal" people don't go straight from "my face feels funny" to "brain tumor" or from "I'm not wrong, the scan must be wrong!" :P

Oh, and -- a very warm welcome!

12-10-21, 14:44
Thank you kyllikki

Your reassuring words really help. I know that I definitely grind my teeth at night and sometimes during the day. I've nearly worn the top off my dental implant.
Just wish this pins and needles/tingling around my mouth would go. That's what's worrying me, the fact that I've not had these issues before with anxiety. They are new to me. I mean what on earth would cause pins and needles in the ear/head??

Thank you for the welcome. Nice to 'meet' you xx

12-10-21, 16:09
A dental problem could cause it, for example. (In fact know someone with permanent nerve damage - a numb lip and chin - from a dental surgery.)

We're really not qualified to say much more than that, but we can and will encourage you to stay calm and worry less!