View Full Version : Brain Zaps

Nico Bellic
12-10-21, 10:59
Had them at the beginning of this year and they lasted about 5 days it’s been over a week now and I can’t take it. I have a new job starting in two weeks I’m worried I’m gonna have to turn it down as every night without fail I get a zap in my brain at the sleep drop off point. I now can’t sleep without a tablet but it don’t want to rely on those as they can be bad for your health. Any advice would be more welcome I’m at my wits end.

12-10-21, 11:08
Might a beta blocker work? They're good for the physical symptoms of anxiety and for migraines, and this seems to be at the intersection of these.

12-10-21, 11:24
Hi there. I am getting this every night too. I even get it if i have a nap during the day. Sometimes its a brain zap that wakes me, sometimes it's a whole body zap. I'm scared of going to sleep now. They're called hypnic jerks and are apparently common when anxious. And apparently up to 70% of the population experience them at some point. I don't think they're a symptom of anything bad, just annoying.

12-10-21, 11:30
I've had them. They are not harmful but quite alarming. Anxiety related and will go of their own accord.

Nico Bellic
12-10-21, 12:13
They are not hypnic jerks that’s where the body jolts when you feel like you have fallen over this is something completely different. I can’t sleep as soon as I get to the sweet spot it’s like something turns a switch ok in my brain a small jolt and I’m awake. I’ve always had anxiety and this with the fact I’m starting my dream job in a few weeks. I just think this will be the end for me

12-10-21, 12:58
They are not hypnic jerks that’s where the body jolts when you feel like you have fallen over this is something completely different. I can’t sleep as soon as I get to the sweet spot it’s like something turns a switch ok in my brain a small jolt and I’m awake. I’ve always had anxiety and this with the fact I’m starting my dream job in a few weeks. I just think this will be the end for meDo you think it's possible that this reaction is triggered by the anxiety of starting that new, dream job?
I had a few brain zaps, and what you describe doesn't sound like the ones I had. It does however sound like anxiety related insomnia.
My theraphist told me once that the way to influence your sleep is to controll how your day goes 2 days before. Maybe try eating super well, excercising and working on your stress levels for 2 days?

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12-10-21, 15:15
Had them at the beginning of this year and they lasted about 5 days it’s been over a week now and I can’t take it. I have a new job starting in two weeks I’m worried I’m gonna have to turn it down as every night without fail I get a zap in my brain at the sleep drop off point. I now can’t sleep without a tablet but it don’t want to rely on those as they can be bad for your health. Any advice would be more welcome I’m at my wits end.

This is the cause. It's a big step, and your anxiety is playing up because of this. Whenever I have any type of sleep issue it's always related to one or more stressors. If you Google "anxiety brain zaps" you will see they are common. I've had them.

Nico Bellic
15-10-21, 14:57
I think it’s a combination of alcohol and little sleep but then when the brain zaps start sleep becomes impossible. I don’t get it through the day just at that point when I feel like I’m about to dream. Every time it’s a nightmare. I know it’s nothing to worry about health wise but not sleeping is making me miserable. Any tips would help me so much.