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View Full Version : Red spot/bump on chest

14-10-21, 18:40
Hi everyone. About a week ago I noticed a red spot/bump on chest above breast though and just thought it was a spot so tried not to panic but all of a sudden I'm freaking out thinking it could be cancer? What do you think? I've had it about a week. Its quite small. Like a red boil type thing. Please reply.
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxxx

14-10-21, 18:47
It'll be a spot. Ones in that place can take ages to heal.

14-10-21, 22:40
why are you so worried?

what help are you getting for the real problem here?

22-10-21, 18:54
Hi there. About a week ago I posted on here about a red bump on my chest. Had it maybe nearly two weeks now. I feel it has to be cancer as surely a harmless bump or spot would've healed by now. I'm so scared, sat here crying and freaking out. Anyone had anything like this? I really just thought it was a spot to begin with. Its above the breasts. Maybe it could still be breast cancer? Even though its above the breasts. Please reply. Love Louise. Xxxxxxxxxx

22-10-21, 19:02
I’m sorry you’re feeling like this! How big is the bump? I have a lot of tiny bright red cherry hemangiomas on my stomach and chest.

22-10-21, 19:10
Even a harmless bump sometimes may last for a long time, depending what it was caused by.

In July a red, pretty big spot was under my left shoulder (sort of above my left breast), which lasted for longer than a month, I eventually went to the doctor, and it turned out to be a bite from the unusual mites we had here on East Coast in the US, which remained after Cicadas this year. It eventually disappeared, but the skin there remained tiny bit darker. Do not fret , it is most probably nothing, and give it another week, and if it does not go away, see your doctor, just to be at peace.

It does not sound at all like what you are scared of.

22-10-21, 19:19
Its not to big. When I look in the mirror at it, it just looks like a spot but I feel it and start to panic and I keep poking and prodding it which probably ain't helping it. I'm just so scared though.

22-10-21, 19:25

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23-10-21, 18:59
Hey. Still really freaking out over this. Just don't know what it could be? Its not sore or itchy which i know means its more likely to be cancer? I'm just petrified, just seems in such an odd place. Any advice? When I poke and prod it, it looks worse and goes really red. Please reply. Louise. Xxxxxxxxxx

23-10-21, 19:01
I'm not one for paid reassurance but go see a doctor if you're that concerned :shrug:


23-10-21, 20:14
Hi I had something similar at the start of the year. Tiny almost shiny red spot that wouldn’t go away, finally after about 8 weeks it came to a head and disappeared. Try putting a warm flannel on it a couple of times a day to draw out a head. Hope it soon heals.

04-11-21, 21:31
Hi everyone. I still have this bump spot thing and I stopped worrying as showed a few people and they all why you worrying about that its just a spot so I just tried to stop thinking about it and thought it was starting to heal but its still there. Can spots or bumps like this last a long time? I started googling again which is driving me to despair. It doesn't look like the skin cancer pictures but can't help but still worry. Any advice I would appreciate? Thanks. Louise. Xxxxxxxxxx

04-11-21, 23:23
I would just leave it alone and see what happens. Put a plaster on it so you don't keep touching it as well.

05-11-21, 17:07
Hi there. I get spots on my breasts/chests all the time. The first time it happened I literally freaked out. I kept squeezing it and nothing would come out. Eventually I left it alone and it went away. Took a long time tho and I can still see a slight scar where I kept irritating it. I currently have another spot right above my nipple and it's been there for 2 months. I kept squeezing it at first but I know from experience that that doesn't help so I've left it alone and it's almost gone. I do put some sudocrem on at night. I don't think this is a sign of breast cancer. Do you keep touching/squeezing it? Maybe give it a week without touching it and see if it fades. If you're still worried then get it check out. The skin on breasts/chest is quite sensitive/thin so I think healing takes longer.

05-11-21, 18:00
Hi. Yeah I'm constantly trying to squeeze it and poking and prodding it. I've noticed if I put a warm compress on it it goes down quite a bit but doesnt go away.

05-11-21, 18:14
Try to leave it alone. I didn't squeeze or irritate mine for 2 weeks (after I'd spent a week of constantly doing this) and i put sudocrem on it a couple of times a day and it went. Honestly tho it took about 4 months for it to heal completely. And i can still see a slight red mark where it was. It definitely won't heal if you keep prodding/squeezing it.