View Full Version : Mole referral

15-10-21, 16:32
I have a mole on my back. I think it's always been there. Last year I knocked the top off it and it went scabby. My anxiety went through the roof. I saw my gp who looked at it through a dermoscope and she said it was nothing to worry about. Fast forward to now. I don't know if its bigger but because of where is it (on my bra line) it can irritate me. Its not itchy but it is raised. I saw a different gp on Wednesday (a locum) who said it wasn't his area of expertise and perhaps I should be referred to a dermatologist. I asked how concerned he was. He said there are 2 concerns
1 is where he thinks it is cancer
2 is where he wants someone else to have a look.
He said I don't fall under the criteria for no1 so I'm no 2
However he said there will be a long wait. As only if they think its possibly cancer its under 2 weeks.
I've just received a msg to say my appt is on Friday next week!! I'm in a complete panic now. Why would i be seen so quickly if it wasn't terrible?.I'm so scared and don't know what to do

15-10-21, 16:47
Your GP may have picked up on your anxiety over it and tried to expedite your appointment.

Try and think of it as good news that you'll get seen quicker than anticipated.

15-10-21, 17:01
I've just looked at my patient notes. It's says urgent referral for suspected Skin cancer.
I'm now in an absolute state of panic. My partner is trying to say they are just saying that to get me seen. But doctors do not do that

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15-10-21, 17:07
There are lots of types of skin cancer, and quite a lot of them are almost harmless. It may just be that they had a cancellation and could fit you in early.

15-10-21, 17:41
I've just spoken to my gp receptionist. She said that they have just sent it through as a quick referral so that it wouldn't be missed and I'd be seen sooner. And that if its put through like that it will always be marked as suspected skin cancer. I asked if I was having information witheld as the gp definitely said I didn't fit into the criteria and she said no. But I'm in that much of a state I don't know what to believe

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15-10-21, 17:43
Believe what you're told, seriously. When I had suspected skin cancer my GP told me outright.

16-10-21, 07:52
Thank you. My rational side is telling me that it's unethical for a GP to withhold information but my HA side, which is unfortunately much louder, is telling me that its so bad they didn't want to tell me.

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16-10-21, 19:12
So the letter came for a referral for a suspicious lesion. I am so scared

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16-10-21, 20:05
I’m sure your doctor was trying to do you a solid and get you in quicker. He would have told you if he suspected cancer. Everything has to be documented though, and that’s why you got that letter.

16-10-21, 20:10
I remember a few years ago I was referred as I went for my testicles to be checked, and doctors thought he felt a lump, so I was referred under the two weeks rule (in fact 1 hour after I got back from the doctors, the hospital asked me when I wanted to come in to see the specialist. My specialist could not feel the lump, but did referred me on same day for ultrasound, thankfully it was a couple of cysts

Good luck with see the specialist about the mole

17-10-21, 02:47
Thank you. My rational side is telling me that it's unethical for a GP to withhold information but my HA side, which is unfortunately much louder, is telling me that its so bad they didn't want to tell me.

I asked how concerned he was. He said there are 2 concerns
1 is where he thinks it is cancer
2 is where he wants someone else to have a look.
He said I don't fall under the criteria for no1 so I'm no 2
However he said there will be a long wait. As only if they think its possibly cancer its under 2 weeks.

^^^Your own words and the doctor's^^^

So he chose #2 so you'd be seen quicker, not because he thinks its cancer.