View Full Version : Weight Loss (unexplained?)

16-11-07, 12:02
Haven't posted for ages as I've been making good recovery. However, over the last few months I've been losing weight for no apparent reason. I am overweight so you would think I would be happy about this but as an HA sufferer it simply worries me.

Since July I've lost two stone without dieting! I think I'm eating similar amounts of food and at least 2 to 3 choc bars a day yet still I'm losing weight on a weekly basis. Sadly, I've started to eat even more to see if I can put it back on again!!! (to no avail).

Friends have said it's because I've had a lot happening in my life since the summer and have been running around a lot more. Other's have said that my metabolism has changed due to some of the shocks I received in the summer involving family members and that I'm running on nervous energy. I'd like to think they're right but I can't help worrying that there is something else afoot!

Anyone got any ideas? Other than the weight loss I feel OK, so what could this be.


Kay x

16-11-07, 13:34
hi i found with my anxiety that it was very hard to gain weight no matter what i ate. it worried me too. in the summer i felt alot better and the anxiety wasnt as bad as it usually was. i was more relaxed and i gained five pounds. i think with anxiety we seem to burn off alot of calories.at least i did. i used to worry so much bout not being able to gain weight. i do think it was a lot of nervous energy.

16-11-07, 16:11
Thanks Debera

It probably is just speeded up metabolism but there's always that sneaking doubt when you have health anx. I keep looking in the mirror to see if I look a bit 'yellow' for gods sake!!! How sad is that.

Kay x

16-11-07, 23:02
One thing you might want to check is your thyroid as an overactive thyroid would make you lose weight BUT you would usually also have other symptoms like racing heart, shaky hands, bad nails etc etc. A simple blood test at your Dr's will tell you for sure if its thyroid affecting your metabolism.

17-11-07, 13:37
its funny that you have said that you look in the mirror to see if you are yellow belive it or not i have done the same thing. i also suffer from health anxiety.

17-11-07, 14:55
Hi K

Diabetes can cause weight loss. is their a history of htis in your family? Shock can trigger it off too!

17-11-07, 15:32
i find it very hard to gain weight i have been 8 stone for a while now but when im bad with my anxiety i dont eat at all and when i feel good i eat well but still dont gain weight.

i wouldnt worry about it

17-11-07, 18:31
Thanks for your replies, Countrygirl, Bearcrazy & Taylor. Don't think it's overactive thyroid coz don't have any of the symptoms mentioned. Could be diabetes. Does run in family and have certainly had my fair share of shocks this year!!

Clothes are starting to hang off me!! Good excuse for a new wardrobe looking on the positive side!

Kay x