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16-11-07, 12:04

I bought a BP monitor as I said in a previous post and so wish I hadnt

My BP is worryingly low and Im getting so upset about it :(

I havnt been eating properly for a week or two due to a bad tummy which I think was caused by two lots of antiBs in the space of a month
Im so scared

Its around 90-100/52-65

Im so panicked.At the Dr last week it was 120/70
Im worried I have internal bleeding and thats whats causing my really painful tummy.Also my period is late but def not pregnant

Sorry for the tmi but scared

H x

17-11-07, 09:26
What alot of worries, you poor thing Hunny.
First, I expect your blood pressure is low because you haven't been eating properly and probably not drinking properly either.
If you had internal bleeding, it would have put you in hospital by now, there's no messing around with it, you'd definately know aboutit.
Your period is late because you are worrying about those other things, or maybe just because you aren't well. It doesn't take much to mess things up.

17-11-07, 09:37
hi hunny,
i can understand just where u r coming from. i have low bp too and have done for the last 2 years. posterial hypotension is the name given to it.
i have been told by my g.p its nothing at all too worry about and it shouldn't cause u any problems. in fact its better to have low bp then high bp.

i agree with cattttt, if it was internal bleeding u had u would know by now.
please try not too worry. easier said then done i know, but if it is still playing on your mind i would go back to your doc's.

hope u feel better soon.

take care
pen xx

17-11-07, 12:25

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply
My period has arrived(no doubt worry holding it off!)

My BP is still low but I didnt know that not eating or drinking enough would cause this?

Thanks again

Hunny x

17-11-07, 13:43
Most chemists now do BP checks. Go into one that feels comfy and ask the the staff there what the safe range of BP is.
Ask what is TOO low and what is TOO high.

You will find quite a difference in the numbers. (But at least you will know.)
For people like us who worry to much - 6 small meals a day are recommended and plenty of (non alcoholic) drinks. And fresh fruit of course.

All this I know is very easy for me to say - not so easy to do.
Good luck and Best wishes:)

17-11-07, 15:34
i suffer with low blood pressure and like u i always worried about it always at the doctors getting it checked but the doctor told me that low blood pressure is very healthy and nothing to worry about,

i tend not to bother about it now i had no side effects of having low blood pressure.

17-11-07, 17:29
I have really low BP too. Generally mine is 90/54. I've been told to eat bananas they contain potassium with helps with low BP.


17-11-07, 17:58
My friend also had low BP and was always worried about it. She went to her GP and was told to try to add a teaspoon of salt once a day to her diet. Hey GP said this should raise the BP up some..

Not sure if this works but none the less you should talk to your doctor about the readings your getting from your machine..