View Full Version : Laser mole removal

19-10-21, 12:56
Hi there

I had a mole on my back removed 10 years ago. The dermatologist said it wasn’t at all suspicious. I’d had it as long as I can remember. Anyway they removed it by laser but it wasn’t sent to lab to be checked as they said no need.
Anyway There was a sensation/pricking on my back and when I looked it where the old mole was and there’s a white patchy scar there now (flat not raised).
Could this be skin cancer growing back 10 years later or would I have known about it by now?
I’ve got an appointment to have it checked but not for 2 weeks and I’m freaking out.
Can anyone help reassure me my HA is so bad at the moment.
Thank you !

19-10-21, 17:15
I think you would have known about it by now.

19-10-21, 17:26
Thank you so much for replying. Do you really think so? I'm worried that its been growing under the surface and I've not noticed it. I've stupidly been googling skin cancer for the past 2 hours and it doesn't look like any of the pictures but I'm freaking out that the laser treatment has stopped it showing the usual signs. I'm trying to tell myself that 10 years is a long time for it to reappear. My anxiety is so bad at the moment.
Thank you