View Full Version : Fell into the Google hole - spleen or pulled muscle

19-10-21, 13:15
Hi. For about a week now I've had very sore ribs and shoulder on the left side. I can barely lift my arm over my head, it hurts to breathe in, it hurts when I lie down. It also hurts in certain postures. For the first few days I thought nothing of it, but as its still there I've started to worry. As I've been someone who drinks every night, I've googled and come up with enlarged spleen which can be caused by liver disease, which can cause left sided rib pain. It doesn't really say what kind of pain, but I'm hoping/trying to rationalise by thinking it would be more of a constant dull ache rather than when moving certain muscles? Ah man, I need advice. I am a carer, I often have my Mum linked on my left arm and she can put a lot of weight onto me, and often try carrying heavy shopping at the same time. But I'm scared it's something more sinister. Please help x

19-10-21, 14:03
Hi LF87, sorry to hear this.

I had something similar on the right side last year that made my holidays miserable (I was in horrible pain, couldn't stand up straight, couldn't sit up straight, couldn't turn spine to the left... plus was having digestive problems, so was convinced I had a certain cancer that starts with "P") ...and it turned out to be a muscle imbalance in my lats (+ too much cheese), that magically disappeared as soon as I found the right strengthening exercise. Literally doing the exercise with just body weight for a week (and less cheese) cured it!

I'd really encourage you to re-read your own post, as I think it has many excellent insights in it, then *productively* google some stretches for the area that hurts, and so them on both sides, and see how you feel.
Applying simple logic, you'd almost certainly have other symptoms if G-d forbid you had liver disease, and those symptoms probably wouldn't come and go.

Start off with something productive for your body, and see where that takes you

Best wishes to you

19-10-21, 14:10
Thanks Kylliki, that's really helpful. I'll have a productive Google now and find some stretches. Now you've mentioned cheese, I eat way too much of that too! Never even entered my mind that it could be a thing. Thanks again very much :)